July 27, 2024

Inspired Messengers

Stop Struggling – Be the expert you really are.

Hi, I’m Shannon Burnett-Gronich

 I have successfully attained over 3 MILLION DOLLARS in FREE PUBLICITY!
And I’m willing to share it with you – NEED I SAY MORE???
The extremely coveted secrets in “Media Magic”, allow you to become an instant walking library when it comes to knowing the inside tricks of the trade to getting free press.

Introducing Media Magic Home Study Course



You’ll be exploding your business just like my high-paying clients!

Again, that’s over 3 MILLION DOLLARS in FREE PRESS that I received using the EXACT methods that I’ll share with you.
Just do me a favor and promise me that you’ll only use this for good! It’s so powerful, I don’t want it in the wrong hands. lol 😉
  • The Five Special Keys Guaranteed To Get You Noticed
  • A Bullet Proof Press Release That Won’t Wind Up In The Garbage Like Most Of Them Do
  • So Many Big Hitter Secrets Of The English Language, It’s Practically Unfair!
  • Six Media Kit Items – Your Promotions Will Be In Vain If You Leave One Of Them Out
  • Influential Media Contact List – The How’s And Why’s!
  • The EXPERT Secret That Makes Your Competition Invisible 
  • Action Steps That Will Turn You Into A Free Press Bruce Lee!
Media Magic is easily worth MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS!
Imagine what it FEELS LIKE to apply just ONE of my strategies and have $$$ THOUSANDS $$$ of dollars filling your pockets in record time just like my clients!

Media Magic
by Shannon Burnett-Gronich

Learn Shannon’s highly-developed Free Press skills by owning your very own copy of this extremely coveted workbook that is normally only available to attendees at her high-end workshops. In addition to the workbook, you’ll also have the opportunity to have Shannon’s classroom style lecture on video that you can watch again and again. The video is over 40-minutes long and is jam packed with what you need to know in order to launch your own press release campaign for free! Normally, Shannon’s private Media Magic workshops are hundreds of dollars for the minimum package, and you get to add it to your library permanently for a fraction of that price.

You can get Media Magic TODAY for only $197
