January 31, 2025



On the surface of the world right now there is
war and violence and things seem dark.
But calmly and quietly, at the same time,
something else is happening underground
An inner revolution is taking place
and certain individuals are being called to a higher light.
It is a silent revolution.
From the inside out. From the ground up.
This is a Global operation.
A Spiritual Conspiracy.
There are sleeper cells in every nation on the planet.
You wont see us on the T.V.
You wont read about us in the newspaper
You wont hear about us on the radio
We dont seek any glory
We dont wear any uniform
We come in all shapes and sizes, colors and styles
Most of us work anonymously
We are quietly working behind the scenes
in every country and culture of the world
Cities big and small, mountains and valleys,
in farms and villages, tribes and remote islands
You could pass by one of us on the street
and not even notice
We go undercover
We remain behind the scenes
It is of no concern to us who takes the final credit
But simply that the work gets done
Occasionally we spot each other in the street
We give a quiet nod and continue on our way
During the day many of us pretend we have normal jobs
But behind the false storefront at night
is where the real work takes a place
Some call us the Conscious Army
We are slowly creating a new world
with the power of our minds and hearts
We follow, with passion and joy
Our orders come from from the Central Spiritual Intelligence
We are dropping soft, secret love bombs when no one is looking
Poems ~ Hugs ~ Music ~ Photography ~ Movies ~ Kind words ~
Smiles ~ Meditation and prayer ~ Dance ~ Social activism ~ Websites
Blogs ~ Random acts of kindness…
We each express ourselves in our own unique ways
with our own unique gifts and talents
Be the change you want to see in the world
That is the motto that fills our hearts
We know it is the only way real transformation takes place
We know that quietly and humbly we have the
power of all the oceans combined
Our work is slow and meticulous
Like the formation of mountains
It is not even visible at first glance
And yet with it entire tectonic plates
shall be moved in the centuries to come
Love is the new religion of the 21st century
You dont have to be a highly educated person
Or have any exceptional knowledge to understand it
It comes from the intelligence of the heart
Embedded in the timeless evolutionary pulse of all human beings
Be the change you want to see in the world
Nobody else can do it for you
We are now recruiting
Perhaps you will join us
Or already have.
All are welcome
The door is open
~ author unknown


Wonderful contribution to www.ConsciousLivingSpace.com by Halley Elise https://www.facebook.com/MysteriesLady


“You’ve Gotta Cleanse” Raw Spirit Festival Scott Kalechstein



Visionary Leaders BreakThrough Series – “7 Keys to Reinvent Your Life”


Do you yearn to create the life you dream of but think it could never happen?   Do you have a feeling that there’s something else you should be doing with your life?  If so, then you’ve got to see what my friend, Anastasia Montejano is up to! 


Get ready to BreakThrough to new levels of joy, fulfillment, purpose AND achievement!
Anastasias is offering a brand new virtual program called the Visionary Leaders BreakThrough Series – 7 Keys to Reinvent Your Life absolutely FR*EE!


Check out the video now…

==> https://www.goldbar.net/ua/link.php?affID=ShannonBurnett_ad


You’ll discover the “7 Keys to Reinvent Your Life” – a 7 step system with the knowledge, tools, resources and community to successfully guide you through your reinvention.  You CAN create the life you long for!

24 Extraordinary Teachers – Transformational Thought Leaders, Conscious Leadership Experts, Bestselling Authors and Visionary Leaders – pull back the curtain and share how they successfully made their Conscious Reinvention a Reality.  Hear the inspiring back story of these movers and shakers: learn where they came from, how they faced and overcame challenges and be motivated by their thought provoking wisdom. Discover how these people came up with brilliant ideas, and against all odds, succeeded at creating services, products and organizations that are transforming the world.

Uncover the Principles, Process, Tools and Community You’ll Need to Make YOUR Conscious Reinvention a Reality!


  • Sue Frederick – the Master of Career Intuitive Work will share profound, yet simple principles to quickly identify what you came to this life to do to align with your destiny TODAY.  The answers will delight you!
  • Richard Whiteley – A Harvard Business School educated management consultant who moonlights as an urban shaman
  • Kellie Olver – a former TV host shares her 1.6 Million Dollar  Transformation on her path to find the true meaning of self worth 
  • Robert Rabbin – a groundbreaking speaker, author, leadership adviser, and self-awareness teacher. His résumé of speaking engagements includes State of the World Forum, Institute of Noetic Sciences, JFK University School of Management… to name just a few!
  • Christine Kloser– well recognized leader expert in “Conscious Entrepreneurship”, a three-time award winning author, host of the Transformational Author Experience, creator of the Get Your Book Done program.
  • Tom Schulte – recognized as an emerging leadership thought leader, Executive Director of the Linked 2 Leadership Group (17,500 members), publisher of one of the most popular management & leadership blogs called Linked 2 Leadership, and publisher of the LeaderBrief Leadership Newsletter. 
  • Paula Langguth Ryan – A contemporary Prosperity Advisor has worked with heiresses to newly bankrupt consumers, with Olympic athletes to corporate executives and spiritual leaders – to release financial fears that block personal & professional peace.
  • Shannon Burnett – CEO Space grad, established business/marketing/event planning consultant, one time #1 best selling author at Amazon.com, founder of ConsciousLivingSpace.com, a mother of two and a whole lot more…She shares the “Dare To Live Challenge”-her own personal story of overcoming the downfall of today’s economy and the loss of an international corporation, while simultaneously dealing with being a single mom, who was diagnosed with  a serious health issues that completely changed her life, in hopes to motivate and inspire all!

Register now for the Visionary Leaders BreakThrough Series and discover how you can receive unbelievable gifts from our generous experts – all designed to support your reinvention.


  • An opportunity to win a Scholarship for the “Get Known – Time to Shine” Program.  A $1,200 Value designed to get you known, showcased and published alongside visionaries and bestselling authors!  
  • A LIVE, 60 minute Intuitive Consultation with Anastasia Montejano to discover the destiny work you signed up for. 
  • A LIVE, 30 Minute, Private “Dare to Live” Coaching Session to BreakThrough the obstacles holding you back from aligning with your destiny
  • A 1 Year All Access Pass! Online Leadership Training Events from a Fortune 500 provider 
  • The Transformational Life Home Study Course to discover how to live the best life possible based on who you are and not who others expect you to be.  
  • A 1 Year! Subscription to Insight Magazine – Top visionaries including Chopra, Canfield, Goldsmith and Gerber share their wisdom, success secrets and the defining moments – 60 pages of exclusive interviews each season. 
  • Authenticity

Check out the video now…


==> https://www.goldbar.net/ua/link.php?affID=ShannonBurnett_ad


So, if you’ve ever wondered how to redesign your life when you work no longer serves you;  if you’re trading the life of your dreams for a paycheck; if you long for more meaning and purpose through the work that you do; or if you feel stifled, frustrated, disengaged and stuck because you’re not using your talents and gifts…this program is what you’ve been waiting for!  

I hope you’ll see the miracle of this invitation showing up in YOUR inbox today.  Your future is yet to be written.  The actions you take today will influence what you are able to do tomorrow.  Choose to pursue your desire to create the life of your dreams.  Don’t wait, don’t settle!  Everything you need to know is in this program, and it’s FR*EE – so you have nothing to lose and your DREAM to gain! 


==> https://www.goldbar.net/ua/link.php?affID=ShannonBurnett_ad


I look forward to “seeing” you there!  

To your success,

Shannon Burnett

Office: 321-549-2128





PS – You don’t have to pretend to be satisfied with your professional life.  It’s time to remember who you are and what’s important to you.  Reinvent your life, realize your dreams and make a difference!  All the details will be emailed to you as soon as you register!


Creating an Intentional Year!


It is the time of the year again to celebrate successes and milestone, while setting our intentions for next year.

My experience has been that you will find that these types of intentions reflect your true desires more than setting specific targets for sales or income, more than determining how many pounds you will lose or some other thing you don’t like about yourself that you wish you had the motivation to overcome.

When you begin to focus on the type of person you want to be, your motivation is so much more real than just setting targets to attain. When you focus on your contribution to the world rather than changing the specifics of your situation to be easier and more fun, you begin to focus in ways that don’t feel like chores, rather they feel like gifts you are giving yourself and others.

BE THE TYPE OF PERSON who lives a healthy life.

BE THE TYPE OF PERSON who contributes to others.

BE THE TYPE OF PERSON who does the things you find challenging before doing what’s fun.

BE THE TYPE OF PERSON who focuses on the area that is weakest and builds it up so that all the other areas of your life benefit in the process.

BE THE TYPE OF PERSON who cares, who listens, who thinks and grows.

BE THE TYPE OF PERSON who is other focused rather than self centered.


Concept shared from an amazing coach Nada Adams!


My first session of Dr Gary Null’s Health Support Group


Last Monday night was the launch of our local Gary Null, PhD Health Support Group. A couple of months ago, I was invited to facilitate as a Life Coach and Wellness Consultant.

I had no idea that everything in my past would lead me up to this moment in time. My years of experience with business, event promotion, coaching and even health. I have been reminiscing about my past experience with Equinox International and Conscious Living Partnership which brings me to this point with confidence and certainty.

This is a powerful lifestyle modification program that individuals can join at any point, to get a baseline of their health, learn directly from Dr. Null and through different lifestyle choices….experience shifts and changes in our lives.

One of the challenges with learning new things is the process of self actualization. We go to seminars get all “jacked ?!?!?!?!(HYPED UP)?!?!?! up” and don’t always make the changes. It is process of implementation that becomes difficult. This is why having a coach or team is so powerful. They help hold me accountable! So I am thrilled to have this health support group. We have 2 Medical Doctors, a Registered Nurse and other health experts that are participating. It was magical to see the resources and support that everyone has contributed.

I have been really lazy and in denial of my potential and health. I can talk the talk but not always walk the walk. This week we watched “7 Steps to Perfect Health” (which you can purchase for only $16) then we completed a 9 page questionaire and took our measurements, blood pressure and more.

What an amazing “Ah Ha moment” the questionaire was for me!

Let me share with you some of the questions….

Do you believe that lifestyle changes can have an impact on your lifespan?

Are you prepared to make changes in your lifestyle that may increase your lifespan?

How many times to you wash your hands?

How many vacations (4 or more days) do you take in a year?

Do you nap during the day on a regular basis?

Of the people in your life that have hurt you, what percentage have you forgiven?

How many minutes in an average day do you take for self-reflection, mediation or breath-work?

Here are just a few from the 9 pages. I think everyone could benefit from this questionaire. It really help me get in touch with myself at a deeper level. I found myself thinking about things I want to change like my gray hair, weak nails and such!

I am so honored and blessed to be leading this group. I get to really experience first hand the changes.

This week the protocol is:

Journaling, juicing celery, cucumber and apples, eating only what gives my body energy or healing, doing 1-2 hours exercise and powerwalking everyday, drink one glass red and one glass green stuff and protein drink (Gary’s world famous powder drinks).
