March 14, 2025

Create Massive Growth for Your Business Utilizing Events


Event Marketing Shannon GronichEvents attract audiences that, in some cases, would not typically be exposed to your product or service. Utilizing this platform for individuals to know more about your brand in a manner that will be notable and create an influx of business still eludes many owners.

Events can be an excellent way to position your brand or test your concept. You may be looking to rub elbows with leaders in a specific industry or to secure an endorsement of some kind.

If you approach an event in a strategic manner as I outline a couple of important items here, you will create a plan that works.

There are numerous items to consider when considering participating in an event.

First, identify your goal or intention for participating. Why are you going? What do you want to accomplish? Then take into account your desired goals with the demographic who attends when picking your event.

Preparation – Set Clear and Tangible Goals

I usually suggest a minimum of three tangible deliverables or goals.

Spend quality time reviewing vendors, sponsors, speakers, and other participants to identify collaborations you can start to facilitate prior to the event. Get the vendor list and start calling potential partners.

Begin working the event the moment you register.

Most people just show-up and wing it. A plan can become a roadmap to your arriving at your desired destination.

Positioning – Stand Out in Your Industry

Most people miss the powerful opportunity to attain free publicity with events.

Social media and marketing go hand in hand with the profits you generate from your business; hence, make sure to post an update about your participation before, during, and even after the event. Live periscopes and tweets will win favor among the event coordinators and your potential clients.

Press releases may be written and submitted up to 3 months in advance as well as after the event is over.

Remember to share with your existing client base where you will be and to even come visit you at your booth as this will help you stand out and be in the mind’s eye of those who know you already.

Last but not the least, enjoy yourself!

What is your favorite event?

Share any event marketing strategies you find successful.

To your business & life success,

Shannon Burnett-Gronich


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