That single Mom was me! Most people think that marketing and press releases are something that comes natural to me.
Let me share how I got started over a decade ago.
As a single mother of two kids, my financial situation was always a struggle. It seemed like no matter how hard I worked, with daycare and the cost of living, at the end of the day I was still broke.
I had a profound moment in my life that inspired me to start a business to help others find solutions for their health challenges. I didn’t know how to start a business or run a business, let alone grow a business.
Talk about being scared!
I knew that in order for ANY business to be successful, it must market itself to get customers. How would I reach MY market with no money to work with?? Successful marketing always costs money… or so I thought!
At that point, I started to really look at the concept of marketing.
What is marketing? How much does it cost? What makes a companies marketing successful? I didn’t learn this in school. I committed myself to learning everything I could about marketing because I knew if my business was going to succeed, then getting free press was my only way. I started to look at businesses that had articles published in the newspaper and business people who had been interviewed on the radio. I started studying ways to get free publicity.
I started seeing a simple system that anyone could use to expand any marketing budget and get free press.
I discovered ANYONE can get publicity, have just have to know how.
Shannon Burnett-Gronich
What marketing are you currently using in your business?
Please comment below your experience with publicity.
P.S Pay thousands of dollars for a publicist or learn how to do it yourself.
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