October 28, 2024

Being a Rebel Entrepreneur


rebel-shannon-1For those of you who have been following me for a while, you may remember my life circumstances that gave birth to the cross-country Dare to Live Challenge several years ago. (If not – no worries. I shared the full scoop in a recent interview in The Rebel Entrepreneur Summit. You should definitely check it out!) I’ll give you all a little hint, though: the inspiration was born out of a tough time in my life … and then deciding to make a tough and rebellious decision to finally share about it openly & vulnerably.

But, more recently, there has been a part of me that has been holding back. The voice of a well-respected business mentor has been in my head suggesting I only talk about certain things in relation to business. So, I sometimes find myself asking, “should I share this story .. or no?”

And, to be honest, that hasn’t felt completely right or authentic to me.

This is why, when my truth-digging, storytelling friend Dawn Gluskin, asked me to join her on the Rebel Entrepreneur summit to talk about the rebellious act of actually bringing your SELF to your life and business … I felt called to join in on the conversation!!

As they say, the right people show up in your life at the right time for a reason. (This, by the way, is why building a community of entrepreneurs is such a big part of my mission. Being part of a community allows for these opportunities to show up at just the right time).

Dawn has 10 experts lined up and we are all candidly sharing the behind-the-scenes of what it REALLY looks like to be an entrepreneur & talking all things self-expression, vulnerability, and breaking the rules like a boss.

In my interview with Dawn, I revisit my Dare to Live story and we talk about the behind-the-scenes of what it really looks like being an entrepreneur in my life right now. (Hint: An adorable toddler is involved!)

We’re also sharing tips on how to grow your business & amplify your message — just by rebelliously bringing more of your self and story to the table.

Register now for FREE access to all the Rebel Entrepreneur videos, plus biz-building BONUSES from all the guests.  

I promise, you’ll want to hear these stories.  And, you’ll feel inspired and courageous to take rebellious authentic action in your own business!



PS – Don’t forget to register NOW for the Rebel Entrepreneur Summit.  You don’t want to miss out on these juicy interviews & bonuses that will teach & inspire you to quickly & authentically grow you biz & brand.  They won’t be available for long, so register now!!


Up Close & Personal with the Candidates



On October 26, 2016 I was selected, along with other leaders of Brevard, to participate as one of the four moderators for the 2016 Brevard County Candidates Forum presented by Space Coast Channel & The Wild Manta Knowledge Center.  Being a business leader in the community I know how important it is for our local politicians to have their voices heard so we can best vote for our personal and local interests.

Although there were many topics of discussion that are important to me on a personal level including our local education and school board and bullying at our public schools, the topic that I was most intrigued to hear how each of the politicians were planning to address was the health of our youth through student lunches. I personally asked “With children’s illnesses, diabetes and obesity at an all time high, how will this be dealt  with in our schools and with lunches?”

I was thrilled to hear that Michelle Obama’s nutrient movement has been implemented into our local school lunches. I was also very grateful to hear other important topics regarding are children brought up by a couple of other candidates like Randy Foster who is running for County Commission, District 3 . Randy shared how we currently have over 1,200 homeless children in Brevard going without food. That figure is astronomical and truly hurts my heart to know we have so many without food and shelter.

​​Darcey Addo for Brevard School Board, District 3 was a mother and teacher that I found I related most to. Every topic she addressed I was actively intrigued by.  Darcey talked about having to educate children about the importance of healthy lunches as childhood obesity is on the rise. Another thing Darcey addressed was the challenge of differentiating structured recess from simple playtime for kids and the importance of allowing kids a 20 minute unstructured recess. She feels as though this is lacking from children’s lives and argues that it is vital to the overall growth of a child to have that moment of tranquility away from the stress that studies bring. As a mother of two teenagers, I am proud that my children are among those that participated in an excellent educational program that emphasized recess being a key part of one’s success and am in agreement with Darcey on the necessity of this for all of our youth rather than the continuous favor of reduced recess due to more and more testing. Children are, after all, our leaders of tomorrow!

School issues and development were not the only topics mentioned. We heard discussions about the lagoon as well as various environmental topics that need to be addressed. It is refreshing to know that our local politicians are aware of our environmental struggles and are compiling resolutions.

Another area of concern fell among local businesses and how we can all help local businesses improve within Brevard, rather than paying big businesses to come to Brevard.  There are current incentives for big businesses to come into our community and a number of individuals would  rather like to see more money going to local business expansion. I am among one of those eager to help the little guy and always do my best to support the locals.

Overall, my experience as a moderator was valuable. I enjoy being an active member of our community and strive to encourage others to do the same. Together we are powerful unit and have the ability to beautify the community we live in. Thank you to all of the local politicians for vigorously aiming for a brighter tomorrow.

I invite you to subscribe to Space Coast Channel and watch the panel HERE 

Please share your wishes for our community!

To your business & life success,



Developing an Elevator Pitch – First Impressions Matter


Elevator-PitchIn simple words, an elevator pitch is a brief presentation that’s designed to grab the attention of potential prospects in a compelling and comprehensive manner.

So, if you had one minute with Oprah or someone you admire in your industry, what would you say to capture their attention?

Criteria for a successful elevator pitch:

It must be Quick, Clear, and Concise! Attention grabber is important too.

Be clear; use a proper speed & tone so that you avoid rushing your message.

Show your enthusiasm using appropriate excitement while telling the story. Enthusiasm plays a key role if you want to draw the attention of your target audience.


Does your elevator pitch answer the following questions…..

Who are you?

What do you do?

Who is your target audience?

What separates you from other businesses in your industry?

How do you bring value and benefits to your prospects?


Get a note card and have a 30-sec and 60-sec elevator pitch ready. Then start to practice and test to see what sticks. This is one area I love helping my clients shine!!!


Share your elevator pitch with us!

What I am looking for next is……


To your business & life success,

Shannon Gronich


Single Mom Goes from Zero to $3.1 million


That single Mom was me! Most people think that marketing and press releases are something that comes natural to me.

Let me share how I got started over a decade ago.

As a single mother of two kids, my financial situation was always a struggle.  It seemed like no matter how hard I worked, with daycare and the cost of living, at the end of the day I was still broke.

I had a profound moment in my life that inspired me to start a business to help others find solutions for their health challenges.  I didn’t know how to start a business or run a business, let alone grow a business.

Talk about being scared!

I knew that in order for ANY business to be successful, it must market itself to get customers.  How would I reach MY market with no money to work with?? Successful marketing always costs money… or so I thought!

At that point, I started to really look at the concept of marketing.

What is marketing?  How much does it cost?  What makes a companies marketing successful?  I didn’t learn this in school.  I committed myself to learning everything I could about marketing because I knew if my business was going to succeed, then getting free press was my only way.  I started to look at businesses that had articles published in the newspaper and business people who had been interviewed on the radio. I started studying ways to get free publicity.

I started seeing a simple system that anyone could use to expand any marketing budget and get free press.

I discovered ANYONE can get publicity, have just have to know how.

Shannon Burnett-Gronich

What marketing are you currently using in your business?

Please comment below your experience with publicity.

P.S  Pay thousands of dollars for a publicist or learn how to do it yourself. https://shannongronich.com/training/oto-mediamagic/



What are you BIRTHing this year?


I am looking at the energy and inner workings of BIRTH. In the last 4 months I have giving birth to a new baby boy, Ryan Gabriel Gronich and a marketing book, MEDIA MAGIC. Both have this creation time, intense labor, and then the new beginning – BIRTH. One of my spiritual teachers, Elizabeth Stamper shared this concept of always being in the birthing process when living life. Warm cozy creation, pressure of the birth canal, or new beginning with bright lights.  If you look at these three moments of BIRTH, where are you?


During the gestation of my son, even though it was the creation time….I felt like I was in the birth cancel and was challenged to let go of limiting beliefs. The rigid beliefs I wanted to hold onto…..I was forced to let go, if I wanted any sense of peace in my world.

Many times, LETTING GO = PEACE OF MIND. I remember walking on the beach a couple of weeks before Ryan was born and my friend sharing that NOW is the time to step into trust and knowing. Trust that the perfect people are showing up to support this birth and know that everything will turn out the way it was suppose to. Let go of control. Now this can be difficult for the planner in me….but when I felt my body and mind wanting to control something, when I become aware, I immediately breath and relax into the words “I let go and trust that everything is in perfect order, right here and now.”


Your Life is in Perfect Order RIGHT NOW!!

