October 18, 2024

The Power of Mentors – 7 Strengths to Business and Life Success


Findhandsmentorsing an individual who’ll guide you all the way to success can be among the biggest decisions of your life.

A mentor is a person whom you can look up to, somebody who’s been in the same place as you are today & knows how to find his way right to the top. A good mentor could be a person who is successful in his industry & is ready to share his experience with others. A mentor could also be a person who has experienced high and low days and wants to share his strength and knowledge to see others succeed.


Since the goal of your mentor is to ensure your success, he is most likely going to tell you how they honestly feel on a given topic. When you’re with your family members or friends, they might tell you whatever things you would like to hear; however a mentor tells you the things that you actually need to hear.


A mentor helps guide you towards the right path, suggests important contacts, courses, reading material, etc. Even though he may not contact individuals on your behalf, purchase reading materials for you, or register you for any course, he’ll show you the road map which will allow you to find your own route to success and growth.

Learn from His Mistakes

By learning from the mistakes which your teacher made while achieving success themselves, you’ll be able to avoid making similar ones, thus saving you valuable time and money.

Bring Out Your Strengths

A mentor can bring the best out of you even if you do not necessarily identify with those qualities in yourself yet. After all, you want someone who is capable of bringing out the talent and story within you.

Help Overcome Your Weaknesses

Hearing your weak points can be one of the most difficult aspects of a mentoring relationship; yet, these same aspects can hold you back in your career and life. In business one of the common weak points people work to overcome, is lack of experience or credibility. You can often collaborate with an expert in your industry to help build your brand.


All of us have days or times when we feel like things are not going the way they should. A mentor has an ability to encourage you using a simple statement which affirms that you are on the right path even if things don’t appear to be going well enough. A mentor has the ability to assure you everything is going well since he’s been there previously.

Discover the Undiscovered

Every one of us is gifted with numerous skills which we might not even be in tune with yet. A mentor can assist you in exploring what those skills may be as well as show you how to make the best use of those in order to accomplish your goals. Identifying these hidden skills might even transform your life and business objectives.

definition of mentor

Mentors play a huge role in offering the knowledge, advice, inspiration, and assistance which we need from time to time. The fact is, you must have a mentor for every aspect of your life including business.

Who has been your greatest business mentor?

What areas of marketing are you looking for mentorship?

To your business & life success,

Shannon Burnett-Gronich


Get your free Power Bio Training here.


To book a complimentary strategy session with Shannon Click Here.



Here is an easy way to get what you want!! Money and Business Breakthrough


I wanted to share this letter I received from one of my favorite coaches that has helped not only myself, but hundreds of others reach their dreams and desires. I will be a guest presenter next week on getting free publicity.  I look forward to any feedback and comments.


It’s AmondaRose.

Do your closest friends and colleagues go for their dreams, or are
they happy with status quo?

Are you surrounding yourself with others who are dragging you down?

It might be time for a change, because your life is in absolute
direct proportion to the types of individuals you surround yourself

Let me say that again, your life is in absolute direct proportion
to the types of individuals you surround yourself with.

Think about that for a moment. Maybe it is time to achieve the
breakthrough you desire.

* If you want to swim with the Big Fish, you have to stop swimming
with the small fish. It is time to go for the Big Fish! Don’t just
surround yourself with individuals who are at the same level that you
are at.

* Create a life where you play at the level you dream about by
surrounding yourself with individuals who have those things that
you desire. The Big Fish will hold you to a higher level and won’t
let you give up on your dreams. Plus, you will realize that if they
could do it, you can do it too!

Here is an incredible opportunity to surround yourself with the Big
Fish and it is totally F*R*E*E. It’s called the Business and M.oney
Breakthrough Tele-Seminar Series. Can you feel the excitement buzz?
I can’t wait.


As the host of the series, you can count on me to personally
hand-pick the experts based on their knowledge, credibility
and desire to help others. Check out this line-up of AMAZING
Leading Experts, Media Sensations, Professional Speakers, and
Best-Selling Authors – from the comfort of your own home.
Plus, I’m so excited- I’ll be presenting as well!

* Public Speaking Secrets Revealed – How to Captivate Your
Audience, Leave them Craving More and Dramatically Improve
Your Income with AmondaRose Igoe

* How to Develop Your Business and Mo.ney Intuitiveness –
Let Your ESP Drive Your Success! with Halley Elise

* The 12 Step Follow Up System: From Contact to CASH with
Nancy Matthews.

*How to Get Thousands of Dollars in FREE Publicity with Shannon

* Feng Shui in the Abundant Office: How to Arrange Your Office
for Maximum Productivity with Carole Hyder

* How to Attract 5 New Clients in the Next 30 Days and Generate
Immediate Income with Vanessa Shaw

* The Power Shift – Discover how to create powerful
relationships, more Mo.ney, and a healthy body and uncover 
what’s keeping you from achieving it! with Will “Power” Duqette

* How to Quickly Attract Your Ideal Clients Online, and Breakthrough
Your Mindset in 30 Days with Heather Picken

This is your chance to immerse yourself in just the kind of abundant
thinking you need to break through your obstacles. Join us (F-R-E-E!)
by registering at https://businessmoneybreakthrough.com/.

Please don’t wait- the series begins on August 6, and I do not want
you to miss this opportunity.


I Believe in You and Your Dreams!

P.S. Can’t make the live calls? We are taking care of you too.
All recordings are sent to registered guests within 24 hours.


AmondaRose Igoe

6-Figure Speaking Goddess,
Speaking Trainer and Coach,
and Best Selling Author
561-498-8919 (Office)
(800) 610-9056 (Toll Free)

As a speaking expert, AmondaRose
specializes in helping Business Owners,
Entrepreneurs and Visionary Leaders
Breakthrough their Biggest Speaking
Roadblocks while they Quickly Learn to
Master and Utilize the Power of Speaking
to Dramatically Increase their Results
and their Income.

High Performance Speaking Training and
2051 NE Ocean Blvd.
Stuart, FL 34996
561-498-8919 (Office)
800-610-9056 (Toll Free)


The Art of Craft & Buckminster Fuller


Create a written list of your deepest desires and intentions” – Buckminster Fuller


Yesterday was magical to watch the gifts show-up throughout the day. One of the first things we did when we got here was make a list together of what we really want to do before we left the island. Part of making dreams a reality is writing them down. 


Our Hawaii Honeymoon Wishlist

Go to a Luau with fire dancer

Visit and play with Brian Ridgeway, Randy Craft, Dr Nadia Linda Hole, Howard and Ena, Gary and Syd

Swim with dophins (now added Sea Turtles)

See flowing lava and volcano

Make love under a waterfall 🙂

Attend a Ceremony

Yoga and Journal everyday (personal intention)

Read the “Love Dare” together everyday

Entire day of silence, no technology or words period


It’s only night 5 tonight and amazing how much we have completed so far….just from writing it down!


One thing, when we went and picked up our rental car I visualized how nice a convertible would be to drive in Hawaii. Last night we visited Randy Craft of the Art of Craft, who so kindly let me drive his gorgeous white Mercedes convertible to dinner last night. Dream come true….sun setting with wind blowing through my hair listening to wonderful love songs. I was fortune enough to have the opportunity to work with him and will never think the same about running a business or creating what I want in life.  He spent the last four years of Buckminster Fuller’s life with him. Full of seeds of wisdom and consciousness shifting perspectives. Reminded how money is NOT the solution to focus on. It’s a complete shift in consciousness. Looking forward to sharing more about my transformational night looking at Buckminster Fuller’s Blueprint for Planetary Abundance – Seven Steps to Global Citizenship with friend and mentor, Randy Craft  www.planinparadise.com. Love sharing time with him and Ari.


Spent the morning together doing yoga and preparing for our journey to the Bay to see if we can play with the dolphins again!! Tonight we celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary at a Hawaiian Luau….what a wonderful time celebrating love and all possibilities.


Thanks for reading and sharing!! Remember our thoughts are so powerful and we can attract and create things in an instant….so stay focused on what you want and watch your dreams come true!!

Partners in Health and Success!
Shannon Burnett-Gronich

Event Production Goddess,
Marketing Expert and
Best Selling Author
321-549-2128  (Office)

