October 28, 2024

5 Companies That Improve Our Standard of Living Daily


5 Companies That Improve Our Standard of Living Daily

There are many companies that provide beneficial services to the world today, but which companies have impacted our lives the most? That’s difficult to answer because each company aids each other in serving the greater good. But there are a few companies, that have stood the test of time and made their permanent mark on the daily lives of civilization.


The software giant, Microsoft, in addition to having one of the largest market capitalizations has also had nearly the largest influence on society today. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, originally sought to place a computer within every household. The seemingly outrageous goal has changed the educational opportunities, communication, and entertainment options that people have.


Google has been able to provide people with near-endless information. As a seemingly infinite library source, Google has also changed the way people find services in real life. As a continually evolving company, over their course, Google has continually improved their designs and been able to impact processes such as the way that people purchase stocks or find their nearest hospital.


Developed in response to a home invasion of the founder’s house, ADT is one of the pioneer security service companies. This American security giant currently serves over 35 countries in total. The services offered by ADT have saved many customers from home intrusions, fires, and a variety of other harmful incidents. At the moment, ADT is the only security company offering monitored flood detectors.


Apple has been an influential company for decades, but with the creation of the iPhone, Apple took the world by storm. Their iPod device already introduced the world to a new way of listening to music, but the iPhone introduced a new way of doing almost everything; from shopping to taking care of children. Apple not only improved civilization’s standard of living through a few devices, but through the innovations that they continue to achieve.


Tesla, one of the few companies founded by Elon Musk, was created with an innovative vision. Focused on sustainability, with three vehicle models, Tesla has surpassed their original goals. Tesla has proven to the world that efficient electric vehicles can be created, and that combustion engines are soon on their way out.


Each of these companies has played a role among the others at some point during their history. It can even be argued that they play a role among each other daily. However, there is no denying that each of these companies has permanently change our standard of living for the better.


Happy New Year – Living Your Life Purpose in 2017


lifeofpurposeIt’s this time of the new year we set intentions for the year ahead. Often they are in regards to something we believe we should quit or something we feel we should begin or do more of. Sometimes we set specific targets we want to achieve, items we hope to acquire and events we want to attend. While this “Resolution Making” is better than not setting any goals or making any plans, they miss the opportunity to create significant lasting change towards a more fulfilling, abundant and joyful life.

With so many articles, blogs, and information about this time of year, it can be overwhelming to know what’s best. Many times people have become frustrated, so they move away from resolutions or setting goals. Yet it is the pause and review that can provide so much clarity.

I believe everything has an ending, and when we take time for reflection and closure, we can begin our next steps with inspiration and a new vision. This applies to relationships, projects, businesses, and everything we interact with or create.

Over the last 20 years I have been inspired to take this time to review, reflect, reset, and then create intentions for the New Year.

I would love to share what that process looks like for me in the hope of inspiring you to create your own year-end ritual or celebration.

Over the years I have worked with different modalities to create an intentional year, such as create vision boards, be a part of burning bowl ceremonies, writing future letters to myself, and so much more. I love all of this stuff!! My favorite things to do are rituals that involve family or community. This holds a greater level of accountability and sense of support.

Many of these are experiences that look to the future and I have discovered that closing out my year has a greater impact on creating an intentional new year.

Every year end I spend time reading Dan Millman’s book, The Life You Were Born to Live – Finding Your Life Purpose. Dan is the author of numerous best-selling books, including the one that he is most well known for, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. In Dan’s book about life purpose, he has a unique way to look at your life based on your birth date and numerology. At first I was skeptical; however, as I started reading I ended up in tears that someone would understand my life, my strengths, and personal challenges so clearly. It literally describes me and my life to a T. The best part was that it offered a roadmap to navigate through business, life, and relationships with more grace and ease from understanding my life purpose.

So at year end, using Dan Millman’s book, I look at areas of my life that I want to strengthen for the year to come and pick one or two key areas to focus on. I also acknowledge the growth from the prior year’s intention.

It also important to celebrate successes!! Success Breeds Success!

So I make a list of what milestones and successes were accomplished in my life. It is key to look at all areas like personal development and growth. This list can not be too big, so acknowledging the small stuff can make a big impact.

Then I move into creating an intentional year which is a process I learned from one of the most powerful coaches I have ever worked with over 10 years ago. This process allows me to look beyond the “stuff” and more into the type of individual I want to BE. It is beneficial as a stand-alone; however, it brings me deeper into the work of Dan Millman’s above. It touches so many areas of our lives that can be easily overlooked.

I am excited to share that I will be giving this simple 2-page process away to everyone that joins us for Mastermind Monday’s Google Hangout. You can register and get the reply too!

So to recap the three key tools that I find fun and inspirational at the end or very beginning of the year (or quarter)…..

  1. Review my personal birth date in The Life You Were Born to Live – Finding Your Life Purpose book by Dan Millman
  2. Create a list of milestones and successes – acknowledge both big and small accomplishments
  3. Design a plan for my intentional year

This year has been one full of great accomplishments and transformations. From moving into a new home, developing an App for the Business Acceleration Summit, and having a major surgery after years of fear, this past year has been in full motion.

This year I am committed to getting more organized, going on more dates with my husband, then growing my daily physical and spiritual practice. I have been so busy focused on being a new mom again to my now-three-year-old Ryan and building my business these last few years, that it is time to focus on these other areas of my life.

Please feel free to share your New Year’s rituals, Goals, or Successes you want to celebrate. I would love to hear them!

Counting my blessings and wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New Year in store. Have a joyous New Year, my dear friend!

To your business & life success,




P.S. To register our Mastermind hangout and access “Creating Your Intentional Year” go to www.BusinessAccelerationSummit.com



Being a Rebel Entrepreneur


rebel-shannon-1For those of you who have been following me for a while, you may remember my life circumstances that gave birth to the cross-country Dare to Live Challenge several years ago. (If not – no worries. I shared the full scoop in a recent interview in The Rebel Entrepreneur Summit. You should definitely check it out!) I’ll give you all a little hint, though: the inspiration was born out of a tough time in my life … and then deciding to make a tough and rebellious decision to finally share about it openly & vulnerably.

But, more recently, there has been a part of me that has been holding back. The voice of a well-respected business mentor has been in my head suggesting I only talk about certain things in relation to business. So, I sometimes find myself asking, “should I share this story .. or no?”

And, to be honest, that hasn’t felt completely right or authentic to me.

This is why, when my truth-digging, storytelling friend Dawn Gluskin, asked me to join her on the Rebel Entrepreneur summit to talk about the rebellious act of actually bringing your SELF to your life and business … I felt called to join in on the conversation!!

As they say, the right people show up in your life at the right time for a reason. (This, by the way, is why building a community of entrepreneurs is such a big part of my mission. Being part of a community allows for these opportunities to show up at just the right time).

Dawn has 10 experts lined up and we are all candidly sharing the behind-the-scenes of what it REALLY looks like to be an entrepreneur & talking all things self-expression, vulnerability, and breaking the rules like a boss.

In my interview with Dawn, I revisit my Dare to Live story and we talk about the behind-the-scenes of what it really looks like being an entrepreneur in my life right now. (Hint: An adorable toddler is involved!)

We’re also sharing tips on how to grow your business & amplify your message — just by rebelliously bringing more of your self and story to the table.

Register now for FREE access to all the Rebel Entrepreneur videos, plus biz-building BONUSES from all the guests.  

I promise, you’ll want to hear these stories.  And, you’ll feel inspired and courageous to take rebellious authentic action in your own business!



PS – Don’t forget to register NOW for the Rebel Entrepreneur Summit.  You don’t want to miss out on these juicy interviews & bonuses that will teach & inspire you to quickly & authentically grow you biz & brand.  They won’t be available for long, so register now!!


Developing an Elevator Pitch – First Impressions Matter


Elevator-PitchIn simple words, an elevator pitch is a brief presentation that’s designed to grab the attention of potential prospects in a compelling and comprehensive manner.

So, if you had one minute with Oprah or someone you admire in your industry, what would you say to capture their attention?

Criteria for a successful elevator pitch:

It must be Quick, Clear, and Concise! Attention grabber is important too.

Be clear; use a proper speed & tone so that you avoid rushing your message.

Show your enthusiasm using appropriate excitement while telling the story. Enthusiasm plays a key role if you want to draw the attention of your target audience.


Does your elevator pitch answer the following questions…..

Who are you?

What do you do?

Who is your target audience?

What separates you from other businesses in your industry?

How do you bring value and benefits to your prospects?


Get a note card and have a 30-sec and 60-sec elevator pitch ready. Then start to practice and test to see what sticks. This is one area I love helping my clients shine!!!


Share your elevator pitch with us!

What I am looking for next is……


To your business & life success,

Shannon Gronich


When a Man Loves a Woman – They Say its Wonderful


August 11th, 2011 was the day Ari Gronich proposed to me at his parents home in Sacramento, California.  It was one of the most romantic moments I have ever experienced. His family, opened their hearts and homes instantly. We went to a musical “Annie Get Your Gun” the evening before. I sat in the middle watching and listening to Ari, his mother and father sing every song. A night I will always remember and here is one of the songs  – “They Say It’s Wonderful”



This past August 11th I forgot this special day but had a huge smile on my face as soon as Ari reminded me!!! Everyday I am reminded what it is like to be really loved and adored. I am feeling very grateful to have this experience and want to share some of the gifts I am experiencing around love and relationships.


I used to think it’s not possible or stay away from long distance relationship, but have found if two people really are meant to be together, they will find a way. When Ari decided he wanted to be with me and my family, he packed up his entire home of 5 years in Los Angeles and moved across the country.  He lived in California most of his life. What a risk and willingness to let go and be open to a possibility. I know there are days it’s challenging for him, as he misses his community, friends and family in California. Most of his relationships are over 10 years in memories. So often when I feel stuck in my ways of thinking or doing things….I ask “What am I willing to give up to have more love and joy?” Is it a story or belief? And when I love to this place of appreciation….I become open to letting go! Dare to LOVE 🙂


I wake up in the morning greeted with a huge smile, “good morning and I love you!!” A true partner that wants to bring more joy and love to not only our family but everyone we come into contact with.  Very selfless…sometime I bug him to be more selfish and put himself first!  


Today I get this song “When a Man Loves a Woman” in my head when I think of my relationship with Ari and his deep love.  It also reminds me and hopefully others what is possible with love!!


Speaking of Love!!! Master Love Coach Scott  is coming to Brevard March 16th at Aquarian Dreams and March 17th at the POD!!
