February 11, 2025

How Running a Business Remotely Impacts Your Success


COVID-19 has resulted in many businesses going remote. It can be quite a process to adjust to a predominantly online workspace, but it doesn’t have to be impossible. These ideas can help you improve your remote experience and the remote experience of your team-members.

Goal Setting

Running a business remotely can present unique challenges so it is essential to set specific goals for yourself and with your team-members. Even though it may seem like a dream to be able to work from home on the regular, working remotely can mean that you have more distractions than you would have had on-site. By setting daily goals for yourself, you can help yourself stay on track even when you have to run your child to a piano lesson in-between Zoom calls. Setting clear goals with team-members can also help your team-members be on the same page, understand their specific assignments, and be more efficient in the long-run.

Team Collaboration

Without the ability to meet in person, it can initially be frustrating trying to optimize your team’s efforts while remote. Effective team collaboration requires seamless communication. In order to facilitate effective communication, you need to first find a good system that works for everyone. Group chats, scheduled virtual meetings, and frequent reassessing and updating can be ways of doing this. Identifying a streamlined system helps team-members quickly voice questions, concerns, and confusion they may have. Being able to quickly respond and readjust in moments like these will help your team by successful even when they are physically distanced.

Focus on Results not Methods

Going remote affects team-members’ lives in unexpected ways. With families and other responsibilities, it may be difficult to continue to maintain previous schedules and meeting times. Choosing to emphasize the importance of project completion over the process of completing that project will help your team-members feel better equipped for success. One team-member may finish their work in the morning before their kids even wake up, another may start their tasks right after dinner. This level of flexibility will enable your team to perform at their best ability without experiencing unnecessary stress.

Going remote physically distances you from the rest of your team. Initially, this adjustment can be difficult—finding a balance that works for everyone can involve a process of successes and failure. But with simple goal setting, streamlined team communication, and added flexibility for team-members, your business can continue to grow even amidst interesting circumstances.

For more great tips, sign up for some coaching!


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