October 28, 2024

Want More Media Attention – Be a Great Story Teller


good stories engage peopleWhen you’re putting together any content on the web, you must concentrate on the populace aspect of your story which will have a greater chance of attracting the media.

Populace aspect:

In simple words, it consist of adding a few twists in your plain story which can help you get a media coverage.

Without incorporating such twists which make your story truly compelling to the media, it is very tough to gain the attention of the news reporters.

The truth is, media simply doesn’t care of your story unless it is super interesting.

You need to be able to create a story which affects most if not every single reader of the publication.

The fact is, reporters are interested in pleasing their editors & editors are interested in publishing the type of stories which are likely to increase the sales of their newspapers or magazines.

And this is the whole thing.

And if you have a dry story, it is almost guaranteed that you won’t receive the type of media coverage or attention which you are looking for.

Given below are some of the most commonly written news stories:

  • A controversial story.
  • A story about what’s trending in the media already.
  • An outrageous or unusual story.
  • A story that is related to popular celebs/sportspersons.

When you start creating stories which are related to any of the above topics, then you are most likely to grab the interest of both online as well as offline media.

Write a story which packs 2, 3, or even 4 of the above listed angles all at once & you are sure to hit the media quite hard with your powerful story.

In addition, you also want to carefully monitor popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

Here, you can easily find what types of stories people share on the web and find interesting to read.

Another thing is, media won’t come to you, instead it is your duty to contact them and let them know about your story.

To prepare yourself better, plan everything well in advance.

People prefer to read stories than anything else.

Stories are one of the primary ways of communicating with others.

Storytellers are admired in a number of cultures, and the western world pays both the directors as well as the writers of the TV & films very well both status wise and financially.

Stories are how we communicate & yet in the world of marketing, majority of the businesses disregard the importance of stories & simply focus their entire attention on the facts.

What To Do After Your Story Has Started Attracting Media Eyeballs?

Do not stop after you have started gaining the attention of the media.

Since the reporters will know you by his time, you are likely to become a trustworthy expert which they will want to get in touch from time to time.

You can start looking for ideas for your next story and try to gain more exposure to your brand which is already popular in the news media.


Shannon Gronich


Do you have a story?

Are you really optimizing it?

Please comment below with your story or story ideas.

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