October 24, 2024

Productivity Hacks for Improving Professional Performance


We all have our days where everything runs smoothly, and we achieve an outstanding amount of work. We also have our days where it seems that nothing is going our way. Despite our desire to perform flawlessly every day, there will always be days where we are not performing as well as we should be. If you’re dealing with one of these days, here are some productivity hacks to improve your professional performance.


Clear Your Plate

stress, sales, business, exhaustion

Believe it or not, the problem you are having is most likely due to an excess of tasks. When we have too many things to do, we become overwhelmed and stressed, which makes us want to procrastinate and avoid our work rather than tackle it. For example, you can outsource some of your marketing tasks to specialists. Simplify your to-do list and only focus on the things that you must get done today. With less on your plate, you can focus and utilize your energy effectively.


Take Breaks

professional young

We live in a busy society that glorifies people who can work all day without resting. Unfortunately, this is not how our bodies and minds function. Instead of forcing yourself to work for hours on end, give yourself a break when you finish a major task. This will give your mind time to rest and energize before taking on the next big project.


Batch Tasks Together

It can be distracting to go back and forth between similar items. For example, let’s imagine that you have to write a few emails, tackle a project that is coming due, and then write another email later on. Breaking your focus by separating tasks like this is sure to ruin your productivity. Batch similar tasks together and accomplish them all at once to get them out of the way. Using this method, you will get all of your emails out of the way and you will have an easier time devoting your focus to your project later.


Boost Your Energy

office team

Sometimes, our slow performance is because of our energy levels. If this is the case, consider taking more caffeine throughout the day or even nootropics. According to MindLab, nootropics encompass “a huge variety of different compounds, including simple things like vitamins and minerals, as well as herbal extracts and even some synthetic substances. Most specifically, they’re supplements which improve things like brain power, focus, memory, and reaction time.”
The most important thing to remember is that bad days will pass, and that’s good news. As a hard-working professional, you need to bring your “A” game every day. For more tips about improving performance, schedule your coaching session with Shannon today!
