October 28, 2024

Happy New Year – Living Your Life Purpose in 2017


lifeofpurposeIt’s this time of the new year we set intentions for the year ahead. Often they are in regards to something we believe we should quit or something we feel we should begin or do more of. Sometimes we set specific targets we want to achieve, items we hope to acquire and events we want to attend. While this “Resolution Making” is better than not setting any goals or making any plans, they miss the opportunity to create significant lasting change towards a more fulfilling, abundant and joyful life.

With so many articles, blogs, and information about this time of year, it can be overwhelming to know what’s best. Many times people have become frustrated, so they move away from resolutions or setting goals. Yet it is the pause and review that can provide so much clarity.

I believe everything has an ending, and when we take time for reflection and closure, we can begin our next steps with inspiration and a new vision. This applies to relationships, projects, businesses, and everything we interact with or create.

Over the last 20 years I have been inspired to take this time to review, reflect, reset, and then create intentions for the New Year.

I would love to share what that process looks like for me in the hope of inspiring you to create your own year-end ritual or celebration.

Over the years I have worked with different modalities to create an intentional year, such as create vision boards, be a part of burning bowl ceremonies, writing future letters to myself, and so much more. I love all of this stuff!! My favorite things to do are rituals that involve family or community. This holds a greater level of accountability and sense of support.

Many of these are experiences that look to the future and I have discovered that closing out my year has a greater impact on creating an intentional new year.

Every year end I spend time reading Dan Millman’s book, The Life You Were Born to Live – Finding Your Life Purpose. Dan is the author of numerous best-selling books, including the one that he is most well known for, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior. In Dan’s book about life purpose, he has a unique way to look at your life based on your birth date and numerology. At first I was skeptical; however, as I started reading I ended up in tears that someone would understand my life, my strengths, and personal challenges so clearly. It literally describes me and my life to a T. The best part was that it offered a roadmap to navigate through business, life, and relationships with more grace and ease from understanding my life purpose.

So at year end, using Dan Millman’s book, I look at areas of my life that I want to strengthen for the year to come and pick one or two key areas to focus on. I also acknowledge the growth from the prior year’s intention.

It also important to celebrate successes!! Success Breeds Success!

So I make a list of what milestones and successes were accomplished in my life. It is key to look at all areas like personal development and growth. This list can not be too big, so acknowledging the small stuff can make a big impact.

Then I move into creating an intentional year which is a process I learned from one of the most powerful coaches I have ever worked with over 10 years ago. This process allows me to look beyond the “stuff” and more into the type of individual I want to BE. It is beneficial as a stand-alone; however, it brings me deeper into the work of Dan Millman’s above. It touches so many areas of our lives that can be easily overlooked.

I am excited to share that I will be giving this simple 2-page process away to everyone that joins us for Mastermind Monday’s Google Hangout. You can register and get the reply too!

So to recap the three key tools that I find fun and inspirational at the end or very beginning of the year (or quarter)…..

  1. Review my personal birth date in The Life You Were Born to Live – Finding Your Life Purpose book by Dan Millman
  2. Create a list of milestones and successes – acknowledge both big and small accomplishments
  3. Design a plan for my intentional year

This year has been one full of great accomplishments and transformations. From moving into a new home, developing an App for the Business Acceleration Summit, and having a major surgery after years of fear, this past year has been in full motion.

This year I am committed to getting more organized, going on more dates with my husband, then growing my daily physical and spiritual practice. I have been so busy focused on being a new mom again to my now-three-year-old Ryan and building my business these last few years, that it is time to focus on these other areas of my life.

Please feel free to share your New Year’s rituals, Goals, or Successes you want to celebrate. I would love to hear them!

Counting my blessings and wishing you more. Hope you enjoy the New Year in store. Have a joyous New Year, my dear friend!

To your business & life success,




P.S. To register our Mastermind hangout and access “Creating Your Intentional Year” go to www.BusinessAccelerationSummit.com

