October 28, 2024

Who I Voted For



The infamous questions prior to an election – Are you planning to vote? Who are you voting for?

The infamous questions after an election – Did you vote? Who did you vote for?

Some are very open about their voting choice whereas others strive to maintain their privacy about theirs. Some elect not to vote at all. There are various reasons as to why people are so open or so reserved with announcing who or what they are voting for. Perhaps some don’t want to engage in a debate with family, friends and co-workers over a matter of difference in opinion. Perhaps some strive for that thorough discussion with others. Perhaps some want to promote their beliefs while others wish not to be swayed in their thoughts.

Was I most recently asked who or what I voted for? Of course! Am I willing to share my votes with you? You bet!!

I vote for businesses to excel. I vote for collaborating. I vote for communities to come together. I vote for single mothers not to feel overwhelmed with trying to run a business and raising her children at the same time. I vote for the welfare of our children. I vote for more family time. But, what I TRULY vote for is for the combination of all.

I stand behind small business owners who network within their community; who have the understanding that coming together as one carries so much further than trying to do things individually. Individually, businesses are a single rain drop in the scheme of things but together they are the storm. Be the storm!

When business owners collaborate with like-minded individuals, the viral effect is for all to excel. I vote for all businesses to adopt this practice. The single mother business owner who networks and collaborates will raise more awareness to her own personal company (and others) which in turn will create personal time for her to enjoy her children. The busy grandfather who spends all of his time trying to generate new leads for financial stability can alleviate his schedule by investing half of his time in group collaboration, thus allowing him more free time to watch his grandson play baseball or his granddaughter perform in her ballet recital.

We are all a product of our environment each bringing with us what makes us unique and when we work together to achieve a common goal within our community we tend to reach and exceed at a much faster rate and reap the rewards in ten folds. Reciprocating services with one another, reaching out to our business neighbor, helping others prosper — all of this aides in bringing our own personal businesses to a higher ground.

I vote for more group effort focusing on what we have in common and how we can serve our community. I vote for all of the sole proprietors to find themselves in the land of majestic professionalism by changing the thought that “sole” means you must do things alone. I vote for branching out and extending that helping hand to others in the business world through group collaboration. I vote for business owners to introduce other business owners to people they know or do business with.

So, today, I tell you where my votes lie. They lie within the overall growth of the world….The growth that YOU can contribute to and be a part of. The opportunity is here and it’s knocking. Answer the door!

Share what’s in your heart!





P.S. Come collaborate with us at the upcoming Business Acceleration Summit – Mentors & Mastermind Mixer in Melbourne, Florida.




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