March 3, 2025

The Importance of Self Care for Health & Stress Management Take Care of Yourself: You Deserve It!


Many of us have so many responsibilities in life that we forget to take care of ourselves. And while it’s hard to prioritize something like taking a bath when you have so many other priorities in life, self care is an important aspect of stress management. A massage, soak in the tub or other forms of pampering revitalize you inside and out. And taking time out to treat your body like the temple it is has other benefits:

Self Care and You Physical Health:
While self-pampering doesn’t always lead to major improvements in overall health the way healthy diet and exercise do, the relaxation you get from it can trigger the relaxation response, which can prevent chronic stress from damaging your health, so in a sense, self-care is good for you inside and out.

Self Care and Your Emotional Health:
Taking time out to care for yourself can remind you and others that you and your needs are important, too. Having a well-cared-for body can make you feel good about yourself and your life, and conveys to others that you value yourself. This can contribute to long-term feelings of wellbeing.

Self Care Makes You a Better Caretaker:
People who neglect their own needs and forget to nurture themselves are at danger of deeper levels of unhappiness, low self-esteem and feelings of resentment. Also, sometimes people who spend their time only taking care of others can be at risk for getting burned out on all the giving, which makes it more difficult to care for others or themselves. Taking time to care for yourself regularly can make you a better caretaker for others.

Taking a few hours for a spa experience and some much-deserved self care is also an effective way to manage stress for the following reasons:

A Break from Stress:
Taking a break amidst a tub of warm bubbles or under the warm hands of an experienced masseuse can help you feel like you’re escaping a stressful reality and taking a mental and emotional vacation. As I mentioned, it triggers the relaxation response, and allows you to come back to the reality of your life feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Time Alone: 
While different people have varying degrees of introversion and extroversion, having some time along is important for most people’s functioning. When you’re relaxing by yourself, it’s much easier to slip into a state of quiet meditation, enjoy some self-reflection, or let your problems work themselves out in the back of your mind, without taking all of your focused concentration.

Soothing Feelings:
Giving your body some special treatment is a natural way to relieve stress. Other than keeping your skin soft and your body in good repair, spa-related activities like massage and warm baths have been known to sooth even small colicky babies like nothing else. Such activities continue to be effective tools for relaxation as we get older, but we sometimes forget to utilize them.

Once you’ve decided it’s time to start nurturing yourself and your body with some spa treatments, be sure to block off some time where you won’t be interrupted. Then you can put on some soothing music, and try some or all of the following suggestions:

  • Take a Bath: Get out the bubbles, oils and scented soaps, and soak until you’re wrinkled. 
  • Deep-Condition Your Hair: While you’re in the tub, put on a deep-conditioning treatment for your hair, and let it work as you relax.
  • Deep-Clean Your Pores: With a nice clay masque, you can draw impurities out of your skin and stress out of your system.
  • Care For Your Feet: After you soak your feet to soften calloused skin, use a pumice stone to slough off dead skin, and finish with a rich foot cream, and perhaps polish.
  • Nourish Your Skin: Rich, luxurious creams smell wonderful and feel smooth, especially if you exfoliate your skin in the tub before putting them on.
  • Tend to Your Nails: Correct the beating your nails probably take from your busy life (especially for those of you who bite your nails!) by filing and buffing. A coat of polish on can make you feel like a princess for days afterward. (This is probably more for my female readers.)
  • Get a Massage: This one can be especially nice. If your budget doesn’t allow for regular massages with a professional, see if you can trade with a friend or your spouse, or use an electronic massager.

In addition to pampering yourself, more substantial forms of self care involving healthy lifestyle choices are important, too. Consuming a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and being sure you get enough sleep are all important for long term health and stress management as well.


By , Guide

Updated July 12, 2007 Health’s Disease and Condition content is reviewed by the Medical Review Board


Looking for Wellness Coach and Lifestyle Consultant to help c0-create a personal roadmap, hold you accountable and celebrate.


7th Grader’s Perspective on Hawaii Retreat – School Report!!!


Our Dare to Live Challenge Hawaii Retreat this past November 2012 had a beautiful impact on all the participants and facilitators. To be able to spend time with friends and family…..will be remembered for a lifetime!!! It was very eye opening to have my daughter share this report she turned in and learn more about her perspective. I was envious of her midnight run to the volcano (over 4 hour trip) to see and play with active lava. Looking forward to your comments 🙂

The Legend of Hawaii

              Madam Pele is a goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence. Pele is also known for her creative power, passion, purpose, and profound love. She has thirteen sisters and three brothers. They are all gods and goddesses. Pele is the goddess of Hawaii.

A long time ago, her father banished her from Tahiti, due to her hot temper. Pele was always getting into fights with her older sister, Na-mako-o-Kaha’i. She is the goddess of the sea, obviously fire and water would not get along. Pele canoed across the sea in search of a new place to live, that’s when she stumbled upon Hawaii.

On Hawaii, Pele created many fiery volcanoes. Pele was unaware that her sister had followed her to Hawaii. So, every time Pele created a volcano, her sister flooded the island and burnt out the fire.  This had happened many times, until Pele and her sister had one huge fight and finally, Pele was free from her sister. It is said that Pele’s spirit lives in Kilauea volcano (one of the most active volcanoes in the world). According to legend, Pele lives in the Halemaʻumaʻu crater of Kīlauea. The legend also says, if any visitors take her volcanic rock, she will curse you until you have returned it back to her.

In Hawaii, I’ve built a relationship with Pele. Once I realized that Hawaii is a sacred place, I was able to connect with the Island in a way no words would describe. I’ve discovered, when you go to Hawaii, you learn a lot about yourself. Also, that Pele has something to tell everyone that goes on her island. It might be advice; it could be her helping you let go of something you’ve been holding on too. It’s different for everyone. If Pele is trying to tell you something and you aren’t letting you’re self hear it, sometimes, she makes you hear it. I’ve seen it in many ways just from the two week I was there. A women Veronica, something went on in her head that made her want to run freely on the dried lava, she tripped and cut herself up. In the process of her healing, she learned what Pele was trying to help her let go of something she had been holding on to for decades. Another women Regena, she stepped on a hot coal and she got a huge blister on her foot that wouldn’t let her walk. She realized Pele was trying to tell her that it was time for her to be helped and it’s not her responsibility to help everyone else. There are a couple of more people that had an experience like that, too.

In my experience there, I’ve learned to be more aware of what I’m doing; be conscious of what I say. I’ve also learned to let go of my past and stay in the present. Pele made Hawaii a magical place and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to go there.

Makayla Burnett  Mr. Washington – Civics at Odyssey Charter School.

Proud Mommy next to the Kilauea – The most active volcano in the World!!!

To join the next Dare to Live Challenge Hawaii Retreat on June 9-15th go to, email or call 321-549-2128.

Ask about our payment options and  scholarship programs 🙂


Creating Your Intentional Year 2013!!

I wanted to share with you one of the tools that I use at the end of each year (or could even be done monthly) to celebrate the year prior and create an even better new year. Here are 6 keys areas to look at when striving for more balance in your world. Please take time to acknowledge and celebrate 2012 by filling out at least 5 successes in each category. Then as you start creating your list for 2013 see if there are areas you would like to improve or give more attention to for the new year! Magical things can happen when you do this process!!

1. Fitness & Health – Physical activities, eating habits, weight, clothing size, energy level etc.

2. Career or Business – Type of business or work desired, niche, hours worked, revenue, profits, services or products you provide, number of clients etc.

3. Money & Finance – Savings, working income, passive business income, investments, money management etc.

4. Personal Relationships – Primary relationship, family, social & friendships, etc.

5. Personal & Professional Mastery – Spiritual exploration, supportive habits, emotional healing, professional skills and certifications, etc.

6. Big Dreams or Bucklist – What are your big dreams or bucklist? What dreams have you accomplished or what intermediate steps can to take towards reaching your big dream? etc.

Complimentary 30-min coaching session for the first 20 who book before Jan 15th. Happy New Year Gift from me!!!
Partners in Health and Success,
Shannon Burnett-Gronich
Event Production Goddess,
Marketing Expert, and 
Best Selling Author

Here is an easy way to get what you want!! Money and Business Breakthrough


I wanted to share this letter I received from one of my favorite coaches that has helped not only myself, but hundreds of others reach their dreams and desires. I will be a guest presenter next week on getting free publicity.  I look forward to any feedback and comments.


It’s AmondaRose.

Do your closest friends and colleagues go for their dreams, or are
they happy with status quo?

Are you surrounding yourself with others who are dragging you down?

It might be time for a change, because your life is in absolute
direct proportion to the types of individuals you surround yourself

Let me say that again, your life is in absolute direct proportion
to the types of individuals you surround yourself with.

Think about that for a moment. Maybe it is time to achieve the
breakthrough you desire.

* If you want to swim with the Big Fish, you have to stop swimming
with the small fish. It is time to go for the Big Fish! Don’t just
surround yourself with individuals who are at the same level that you
are at.

* Create a life where you play at the level you dream about by
surrounding yourself with individuals who have those things that
you desire. The Big Fish will hold you to a higher level and won’t
let you give up on your dreams. Plus, you will realize that if they
could do it, you can do it too!

Here is an incredible opportunity to surround yourself with the Big
Fish and it is totally F*R*E*E. It’s called the Business and M.oney
Breakthrough Tele-Seminar Series. Can you feel the excitement buzz?
I can’t wait.

As the host of the series, you can count on me to personally
hand-pick the experts based on their knowledge, credibility
and desire to help others. Check out this line-up of AMAZING
Leading Experts, Media Sensations, Professional Speakers, and
Best-Selling Authors – from the comfort of your own home.
Plus, I’m so excited- I’ll be presenting as well!

* Public Speaking Secrets Revealed – How to Captivate Your
Audience, Leave them Craving More and Dramatically Improve
Your Income with AmondaRose Igoe

* How to Develop Your Business and Mo.ney Intuitiveness –
Let Your ESP Drive Your Success! with Halley Elise

* The 12 Step Follow Up System: From Contact to CASH with
Nancy Matthews.

*How to Get Thousands of Dollars in FREE Publicity with Shannon

* Feng Shui in the Abundant Office: How to Arrange Your Office
for Maximum Productivity with Carole Hyder

* How to Attract 5 New Clients in the Next 30 Days and Generate
Immediate Income with Vanessa Shaw

* The Power Shift – Discover how to create powerful
relationships, more Mo.ney, and a healthy body and uncover 
what’s keeping you from achieving it! with Will “Power” Duqette

* How to Quickly Attract Your Ideal Clients Online, and Breakthrough
Your Mindset in 30 Days with Heather Picken

This is your chance to immerse yourself in just the kind of abundant
thinking you need to break through your obstacles. Join us (F-R-E-E!)
by registering at

Please don’t wait- the series begins on August 6, and I do not want
you to miss this opportunity.


I Believe in You and Your Dreams!

P.S. Can’t make the live calls? We are taking care of you too.
All recordings are sent to registered guests within 24 hours.


AmondaRose Igoe

6-Figure Speaking Goddess,
Speaking Trainer and Coach,
and Best Selling Author
561-498-8919 (Office)
(800) 610-9056 (Toll Free)

As a speaking expert, AmondaRose
specializes in helping Business Owners,
Entrepreneurs and Visionary Leaders
Breakthrough their Biggest Speaking
Roadblocks while they Quickly Learn to
Master and Utilize the Power of Speaking
to Dramatically Increase their Results
and their Income.

High Performance Speaking Training and
2051 NE Ocean Blvd.
Stuart, FL 34996
561-498-8919 (Office)
800-610-9056 (Toll Free)


The Art of Craft & Buckminster Fuller


Create a written list of your deepest desires and intentions” – Buckminster Fuller


Yesterday was magical to watch the gifts show-up throughout the day. One of the first things we did when we got here was make a list together of what we really want to do before we left the island. Part of making dreams a reality is writing them down. 


Our Hawaii Honeymoon Wishlist

Go to a Luau with fire dancer

Visit and play with Brian Ridgeway, Randy Craft, Dr Nadia Linda Hole, Howard and Ena, Gary and Syd

Swim with dophins (now added Sea Turtles)

See flowing lava and volcano

Make love under a waterfall 🙂

Attend a Ceremony

Yoga and Journal everyday (personal intention)

Read the “Love Dare” together everyday

Entire day of silence, no technology or words period


It’s only night 5 tonight and amazing how much we have completed so far….just from writing it down!


One thing, when we went and picked up our rental car I visualized how nice a convertible would be to drive in Hawaii. Last night we visited Randy Craft of the Art of Craft, who so kindly let me drive his gorgeous white Mercedes convertible to dinner last night. Dream come true….sun setting with wind blowing through my hair listening to wonderful love songs. I was fortune enough to have the opportunity to work with him and will never think the same about running a business or creating what I want in life.  He spent the last four years of Buckminster Fuller’s life with him. Full of seeds of wisdom and consciousness shifting perspectives. Reminded how money is NOT the solution to focus on. It’s a complete shift in consciousness. Looking forward to sharing more about my transformational night looking at Buckminster Fuller’s Blueprint for Planetary Abundance – Seven Steps to Global Citizenship with friend and mentor, Randy Craft Love sharing time with him and Ari.


Spent the morning together doing yoga and preparing for our journey to the Bay to see if we can play with the dolphins again!! Tonight we celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary at a Hawaiian Luau….what a wonderful time celebrating love and all possibilities.


Thanks for reading and sharing!! Remember our thoughts are so powerful and we can attract and create things in an instant….so stay focused on what you want and watch your dreams come true!!

Partners in Health and Success!
Shannon Burnett-Gronich

Event Production Goddess,
Marketing Expert and
Best Selling Author
321-549-2128  (Office)
