January 22, 2025

How to Become a Respected and Engaging Leader in Your Workplace


Becoming a workplace leaders does not always mean that you are given a title and a pay raise, at least initially. You may have to prove yourself first. Fortunately, it is not that hard to do when you utilize the following strategies.


Lead by example.

Dress, speak, and act the part of the leader you want to become. Treat others the way you want to be treated to earn their respect. Don’t play favorites; instead, view everyone as equal. Perform your work in a positive and productive way to let others see that you are serious about your job and expect others to be, as well. Avoid negative behaviors such as being overly critical, judgmental, or biased. Maintain ethical integrity and encourage employees to do the same.



Apply leadership tactics.

Read books about leadership and study positive role models. Then do as they suggest to build rapport and gain respect at work. Plan projects efficiently to ensure success, selecting the most suitable individuals for each role. Monitor without micromanaging. Provide adequate training and skill-building opportunities to help employees reach their potential and excel at their jobs. Use company resources prudently to build success.



Encourage input.

An interactive workplace is more effective than one that operates from the top down. Use various means to solicit employee suggestions and feedback. For example, a suggestion box may attract new ideas or recommendations. Company newsletter recognition fosters awareness and appreciation of employee efforts. Meetings or focus groups enable employees to have a say about their department’s performance or problems. An interactive in-house discussion board may elicit informal comments or insights. Employees who feel valued are more like to respect and follow company leadership.



Provide structure.

Employees want to know how the company is doing and where it is headed. Routine updates or periodic reports will keep them apprised of the organization’s status and allow them to feel like they are part of the loop. Employees who feel disenfranchised are less productive and more likely to grumble about company policies or even leave their jobs if they are dissatisfied and feel unappreciated. Maintain a hierarchy of authority and an environment of openness to instill employees with security and a positive attitude toward your ability to lead.


It has been said that leaders are born, not made. But someone who is willing to stand up and show the way to others within a company can quickly earn respect as a leader. 

Apply to attend the upcoming Business Acceleration Summit and mastermind with our industry leaders and mentors, including Forbes recognized Transformational Leadership Strategist. 


Featured Image credit: ASEA


Who I Voted For



The infamous questions prior to an election – Are you planning to vote? Who are you voting for?

The infamous questions after an election – Did you vote? Who did you vote for?

Some are very open about their voting choice whereas others strive to maintain their privacy about theirs. Some elect not to vote at all. There are various reasons as to why people are so open or so reserved with announcing who or what they are voting for. Perhaps some don’t want to engage in a debate with family, friends and co-workers over a matter of difference in opinion. Perhaps some strive for that thorough discussion with others. Perhaps some want to promote their beliefs while others wish not to be swayed in their thoughts.

Was I most recently asked who or what I voted for? Of course! Am I willing to share my votes with you? You bet!!

I vote for businesses to excel. I vote for collaborating. I vote for communities to come together. I vote for single mothers not to feel overwhelmed with trying to run a business and raising her children at the same time. I vote for the welfare of our children. I vote for more family time. But, what I TRULY vote for is for the combination of all.

I stand behind small business owners who network within their community; who have the understanding that coming together as one carries so much further than trying to do things individually. Individually, businesses are a single rain drop in the scheme of things but together they are the storm. Be the storm!

When business owners collaborate with like-minded individuals, the viral effect is for all to excel. I vote for all businesses to adopt this practice. The single mother business owner who networks and collaborates will raise more awareness to her own personal company (and others) which in turn will create personal time for her to enjoy her children. The busy grandfather who spends all of his time trying to generate new leads for financial stability can alleviate his schedule by investing half of his time in group collaboration, thus allowing him more free time to watch his grandson play baseball or his granddaughter perform in her ballet recital.

We are all a product of our environment each bringing with us what makes us unique and when we work together to achieve a common goal within our community we tend to reach and exceed at a much faster rate and reap the rewards in ten folds. Reciprocating services with one another, reaching out to our business neighbor, helping others prosper — all of this aides in bringing our own personal businesses to a higher ground.

I vote for more group effort focusing on what we have in common and how we can serve our community. I vote for all of the sole proprietors to find themselves in the land of majestic professionalism by changing the thought that “sole” means you must do things alone. I vote for branching out and extending that helping hand to others in the business world through group collaboration. I vote for business owners to introduce other business owners to people they know or do business with.

So, today, I tell you where my votes lie. They lie within the overall growth of the world….The growth that YOU can contribute to and be a part of. The opportunity is here and it’s knocking. Answer the door!

Share what’s in your heart!





P.S. Come collaborate with us at the upcoming Business Acceleration Summit – Mentors & Mastermind Mixer in Melbourne, Florida.




Being a Rebel Entrepreneur


rebel-shannon-1For those of you who have been following me for a while, you may remember my life circumstances that gave birth to the cross-country Dare to Live Challenge several years ago. (If not – no worries. I shared the full scoop in a recent interview in The Rebel Entrepreneur Summit. You should definitely check it out!) I’ll give you all a little hint, though: the inspiration was born out of a tough time in my life … and then deciding to make a tough and rebellious decision to finally share about it openly & vulnerably.

But, more recently, there has been a part of me that has been holding back. The voice of a well-respected business mentor has been in my head suggesting I only talk about certain things in relation to business. So, I sometimes find myself asking, “should I share this story .. or no?”

And, to be honest, that hasn’t felt completely right or authentic to me.

This is why, when my truth-digging, storytelling friend Dawn Gluskin, asked me to join her on the Rebel Entrepreneur summit to talk about the rebellious act of actually bringing your SELF to your life and business … I felt called to join in on the conversation!!

As they say, the right people show up in your life at the right time for a reason. (This, by the way, is why building a community of entrepreneurs is such a big part of my mission. Being part of a community allows for these opportunities to show up at just the right time).

Dawn has 10 experts lined up and we are all candidly sharing the behind-the-scenes of what it REALLY looks like to be an entrepreneur & talking all things self-expression, vulnerability, and breaking the rules like a boss.

In my interview with Dawn, I revisit my Dare to Live story and we talk about the behind-the-scenes of what it really looks like being an entrepreneur in my life right now. (Hint: An adorable toddler is involved!)

We’re also sharing tips on how to grow your business & amplify your message — just by rebelliously bringing more of your self and story to the table.

Register now for FREE access to all the Rebel Entrepreneur videos, plus biz-building BONUSES from all the guests.  

I promise, you’ll want to hear these stories.  And, you’ll feel inspired and courageous to take rebellious authentic action in your own business!



PS – Don’t forget to register NOW for the Rebel Entrepreneur Summit.  You don’t want to miss out on these juicy interviews & bonuses that will teach & inspire you to quickly & authentically grow you biz & brand.  They won’t be available for long, so register now!!


3 Secrets to Free Marketing


Shannon Burnett, CEO of Conscious Living Partnership, hosts a Mega Marketing Call where you will learn how to leverage the cash flow of your business by mastering the art of marketing in print, media, television, and radio channels.

SPECIAL: Everyone who joins us for this call receives a FREE EOH MP3!

Everyone that joins our Mega Marketing Conference call will receive a free MP3 download from our Accelerate Your Business Conference featuring Ernest Chu, author of Soul Currency. Workshop audio is an hour and a half titled “Accelerating Your Business with Conscious Capital Creation”

3 Secrets to Free Press – How to get 1000’s in Free Press
With Shannon Burnett
2nd Thursday of every month

FREE Marketing Tele-course
1) Learn the 3 most important thing you must have for marketing success
2) How to get 1000’s in Free Press
3) Language for results!

As CLP is growing, we’re adding more benefits.
Are you using your benefits to their greatest potential?
Learn how your business can make money with CLP!

Call in information:
Access Code: 106741#
