March 1, 2025

Locally #1 Reverbnation Teen Musicians Opening “80’s in the Park”



Anja & Makayla 80's funAnja Conklin and Makayla Burnett, singers, songwriters, and versatile musicians are both 13 years old.  They met in the third grade and began playing together at the age of nine. By ten they started performing publicly and were given the unique opportunity to be the opening act at Dr Gary Null’s (Time Magazine’s Mr. Medicine) Movie Premiere for 300 attendees. Anja & Makayla recently won a national video contest for One Ocean One World by performing a song they wrote about ocean conservation. They spent 6 weeks at number #1 locally on Reverbnation, the home to over 3 million musicians.

Currently, Anja & Makayla are creating original music and performing gigs regularly in our community at multiple venues including private events, festivals, and local clubs.  For their next big event, Makayla Burnett has been asked to sing for the opening of Melbourne’s “80’s in the Park” with the national anthem. Their band will be performing top 80’s cover songs later that afternoon.

80's Band Pic

Join us for the two-day Celebration of Everything 80’s to hear top bands like Tommy Tutone, Quiet Riot, and Georgia Satellites. For a full list of events and bands, go to More about Anja and Makayla at:


For more details:

Contact: Shannon Burnett-Gronich or 321-208-3903

When: Saturday, September 28th – 12:00

Where: 80’s in the Park – Wickham Park, Melbourne, Florida


7th Grader’s Perspective on Hawaii Retreat – School Report!!!


Our Dare to Live Challenge Hawaii Retreat this past November 2012 had a beautiful impact on all the participants and facilitators. To be able to spend time with friends and family…..will be remembered for a lifetime!!! It was very eye opening to have my daughter share this report she turned in and learn more about her perspective. I was envious of her midnight run to the volcano (over 4 hour trip) to see and play with active lava. Looking forward to your comments 🙂

The Legend of Hawaii

              Madam Pele is a goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence. Pele is also known for her creative power, passion, purpose, and profound love. She has thirteen sisters and three brothers. They are all gods and goddesses. Pele is the goddess of Hawaii.

A long time ago, her father banished her from Tahiti, due to her hot temper. Pele was always getting into fights with her older sister, Na-mako-o-Kaha’i. She is the goddess of the sea, obviously fire and water would not get along. Pele canoed across the sea in search of a new place to live, that’s when she stumbled upon Hawaii.

On Hawaii, Pele created many fiery volcanoes. Pele was unaware that her sister had followed her to Hawaii. So, every time Pele created a volcano, her sister flooded the island and burnt out the fire.  This had happened many times, until Pele and her sister had one huge fight and finally, Pele was free from her sister. It is said that Pele’s spirit lives in Kilauea volcano (one of the most active volcanoes in the world). According to legend, Pele lives in the Halemaʻumaʻu crater of Kīlauea. The legend also says, if any visitors take her volcanic rock, she will curse you until you have returned it back to her.

In Hawaii, I’ve built a relationship with Pele. Once I realized that Hawaii is a sacred place, I was able to connect with the Island in a way no words would describe. I’ve discovered, when you go to Hawaii, you learn a lot about yourself. Also, that Pele has something to tell everyone that goes on her island. It might be advice; it could be her helping you let go of something you’ve been holding on too. It’s different for everyone. If Pele is trying to tell you something and you aren’t letting you’re self hear it, sometimes, she makes you hear it. I’ve seen it in many ways just from the two week I was there. A women Veronica, something went on in her head that made her want to run freely on the dried lava, she tripped and cut herself up. In the process of her healing, she learned what Pele was trying to help her let go of something she had been holding on to for decades. Another women Regena, she stepped on a hot coal and she got a huge blister on her foot that wouldn’t let her walk. She realized Pele was trying to tell her that it was time for her to be helped and it’s not her responsibility to help everyone else. There are a couple of more people that had an experience like that, too.

In my experience there, I’ve learned to be more aware of what I’m doing; be conscious of what I say. I’ve also learned to let go of my past and stay in the present. Pele made Hawaii a magical place and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to go there.

Makayla Burnett  Mr. Washington – Civics at Odyssey Charter School.

Proud Mommy next to the Kilauea – The most active volcano in the World!!!

To join the next Dare to Live Challenge Hawaii Retreat on June 9-15th go to, email or call 321-549-2128.

Ask about our payment options and  scholarship programs 🙂


When a Man Loves a Woman – They Say its Wonderful


August 11th, 2011 was the day Ari Gronich proposed to me at his parents home in Sacramento, California.  It was one of the most romantic moments I have ever experienced. His family, opened their hearts and homes instantly. We went to a musical “Annie Get Your Gun” the evening before. I sat in the middle watching and listening to Ari, his mother and father sing every song. A night I will always remember and here is one of the songs  – “They Say It’s Wonderful”



This past August 11th I forgot this special day but had a huge smile on my face as soon as Ari reminded me!!! Everyday I am reminded what it is like to be really loved and adored. I am feeling very grateful to have this experience and want to share some of the gifts I am experiencing around love and relationships.


I used to think it’s not possible or stay away from long distance relationship, but have found if two people really are meant to be together, they will find a way. When Ari decided he wanted to be with me and my family, he packed up his entire home of 5 years in Los Angeles and moved across the country.  He lived in California most of his life. What a risk and willingness to let go and be open to a possibility. I know there are days it’s challenging for him, as he misses his community, friends and family in California. Most of his relationships are over 10 years in memories. So often when I feel stuck in my ways of thinking or doing things….I ask “What am I willing to give up to have more love and joy?” Is it a story or belief? And when I love to this place of appreciation….I become open to letting go! Dare to LOVE 🙂


I wake up in the morning greeted with a huge smile, “good morning and I love you!!” A true partner that wants to bring more joy and love to not only our family but everyone we come into contact with.  Very selfless…sometime I bug him to be more selfish and put himself first!  


Today I get this song “When a Man Loves a Woman” in my head when I think of my relationship with Ari and his deep love.  It also reminds me and hopefully others what is possible with love!!


Speaking of Love!!! Master Love Coach Scott  is coming to Brevard March 16th at Aquarian Dreams and March 17th at the POD!!


7 Thoughts about Conscious Kid Communication


It has been interesting over the years as a parent and others suggestions to write a book about my parenting experience and skills.

I attended a workshop, visited with parents and those experiences have motivated me to write a blog about “conscious communication” with our children. The workshop reminded me how words, even when kidding, can be challenges for adults many years later. Don’t “KID” around with words. For starters, let’s explore the power of language, words and what we truly want. For me, I desire my children to be whoever they want! Key areas I focus to enhance are confidence, empowerment, independence, self-worth, good relationships, intuition, authenticity, successful, love and the list goes on and on…..

Conscious Kid Thought # 1 – What’s the Outcome?
When I am communicating with my children, I think, “What is the outcome I desire?” and I tell them that!!! It has been a major shift, with lots of focus to make conscious choices with my language. Here are a few examples:

“Don’t run!” And what happens? The children hear the word RUN and continue to do that! I would say “WALK”

“Don’t forget” I would say “Please remember”

“Don’t be afraid” – “You are courageous”

“That’s stupid” – “Let’s see if we can find a better way”

Conscious Kid Thought # 2 – What Body Langage?
Words account for only 7%

Tone of voice accounts for 38%

Body language accounts for 55%

“Don’t hit” what happens? Children often continue to hit or it takes longer to work with this behavior change. Some parents slap or hit when they tell their children not to. THIS IS CRAZY!!! What worked for me is “Please touch nice” or “Touch gently” and I would show them (be a role model) with my hands, what that looked like.

Conscious Kid Thought #3 – Emotions Speak too?
Often when kids are crying, I hear parents say “You’re not hurt”, “Stop Crying”! What if someone said that to them? I believe this cycle has been handed down for many years. And the core, this statement may stem from not wanting to deal with our own emotions or this level of emotional release is uncomfortable. Even if the children are looking for attention (get their “love tank” filled), let them “be” in their emotions! It has taken me years to START to be comfortable with ALL my emotions. I know my children will be free of so much “emotional luggage” because I honor their emotions. Anger, sadness, joy, scared, peaceful – All of it!

Conscious Kid Thought #4 – What’s a Love Tank?
We all have “Love Tanks” ! With children, when they are misbehaving it’s often because they have a misdirected goal ( that they need support in redirecting the energy. One way that is quick and powerful to fill a “Love Tank”, is quality time. This is time that they direct the activity. With kids my age, it is usually “floor time” with a game, go to the movies or beach. They decide!

Conscious Kid Thought # 5 – Course Correct, What Do I Do?
When making corrections I do a “compliment sandwich” as my son says. Compliment, correction then compliment! This leaves everyone feeling good about change.

Conscious Kid Thought #6 – Who Defines Success?
“That’s the WRONG way” – this statement has a way of closing the mind. Another way to state this is “Here is another way or a different way”

Our schools have this system of looking at what we do WRONG! Many times they put -3 instead of +97 on school work! Let’s focus on ALL the good stuff the kids do instead of where they miss things. Success BREEDS Success!!

Conscious Kid Thought #7 – Do We Want Transformation in our World?
When we shift our language and our thoughts about others…they change. You have the power to make a big difference with awareness. Be present with EVERY word that leaves your mouth. Children are our future and what may appear as nothing to you, can leave residue for years to come. BE CONSCIOUS!! Speak words of love, success, joy and say all the things you wish your parents would have said to you!

Partners in Success,
Shannon Burnett

Please post comments and feedback!
