March 3, 2025

Being a Rebel Entrepreneur


rebel-shannon-1For those of you who have been following me for a while, you may remember my life circumstances that gave birth to the cross-country Dare to Live Challenge several years ago. (If not – no worries. I shared the full scoop in a recent interview in The Rebel Entrepreneur Summit. You should definitely check it out!) I’ll give you all a little hint, though: the inspiration was born out of a tough time in my life … and then deciding to make a tough and rebellious decision to finally share about it openly & vulnerably.

But, more recently, there has been a part of me that has been holding back. The voice of a well-respected business mentor has been in my head suggesting I only talk about certain things in relation to business. So, I sometimes find myself asking, “should I share this story .. or no?”

And, to be honest, that hasn’t felt completely right or authentic to me.

This is why, when my truth-digging, storytelling friend Dawn Gluskin, asked me to join her on the Rebel Entrepreneur summit to talk about the rebellious act of actually bringing your SELF to your life and business … I felt called to join in on the conversation!!

As they say, the right people show up in your life at the right time for a reason. (This, by the way, is why building a community of entrepreneurs is such a big part of my mission. Being part of a community allows for these opportunities to show up at just the right time).

Dawn has 10 experts lined up and we are all candidly sharing the behind-the-scenes of what it REALLY looks like to be an entrepreneur & talking all things self-expression, vulnerability, and breaking the rules like a boss.

In my interview with Dawn, I revisit my Dare to Live story and we talk about the behind-the-scenes of what it really looks like being an entrepreneur in my life right now. (Hint: An adorable toddler is involved!)

We’re also sharing tips on how to grow your business & amplify your message — just by rebelliously bringing more of your self and story to the table.

Register now for FREE access to all the Rebel Entrepreneur videos, plus biz-building BONUSES from all the guests.  

I promise, you’ll want to hear these stories.  And, you’ll feel inspired and courageous to take rebellious authentic action in your own business!



PS – Don’t forget to register NOW for the Rebel Entrepreneur Summit.  You don’t want to miss out on these juicy interviews & bonuses that will teach & inspire you to quickly & authentically grow you biz & brand.  They won’t be available for long, so register now!!


7th Grader’s Perspective on Hawaii Retreat – School Report!!!


Our Dare to Live Challenge Hawaii Retreat this past November 2012 had a beautiful impact on all the participants and facilitators. To be able to spend time with friends and family…..will be remembered for a lifetime!!! It was very eye opening to have my daughter share this report she turned in and learn more about her perspective. I was envious of her midnight run to the volcano (over 4 hour trip) to see and play with active lava. Looking forward to your comments 🙂

The Legend of Hawaii

              Madam Pele is a goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence. Pele is also known for her creative power, passion, purpose, and profound love. She has thirteen sisters and three brothers. They are all gods and goddesses. Pele is the goddess of Hawaii.

A long time ago, her father banished her from Tahiti, due to her hot temper. Pele was always getting into fights with her older sister, Na-mako-o-Kaha’i. She is the goddess of the sea, obviously fire and water would not get along. Pele canoed across the sea in search of a new place to live, that’s when she stumbled upon Hawaii.

On Hawaii, Pele created many fiery volcanoes. Pele was unaware that her sister had followed her to Hawaii. So, every time Pele created a volcano, her sister flooded the island and burnt out the fire.  This had happened many times, until Pele and her sister had one huge fight and finally, Pele was free from her sister. It is said that Pele’s spirit lives in Kilauea volcano (one of the most active volcanoes in the world). According to legend, Pele lives in the Halemaʻumaʻu crater of Kīlauea. The legend also says, if any visitors take her volcanic rock, she will curse you until you have returned it back to her.

In Hawaii, I’ve built a relationship with Pele. Once I realized that Hawaii is a sacred place, I was able to connect with the Island in a way no words would describe. I’ve discovered, when you go to Hawaii, you learn a lot about yourself. Also, that Pele has something to tell everyone that goes on her island. It might be advice; it could be her helping you let go of something you’ve been holding on too. It’s different for everyone. If Pele is trying to tell you something and you aren’t letting you’re self hear it, sometimes, she makes you hear it. I’ve seen it in many ways just from the two week I was there. A women Veronica, something went on in her head that made her want to run freely on the dried lava, she tripped and cut herself up. In the process of her healing, she learned what Pele was trying to help her let go of something she had been holding on to for decades. Another women Regena, she stepped on a hot coal and she got a huge blister on her foot that wouldn’t let her walk. She realized Pele was trying to tell her that it was time for her to be helped and it’s not her responsibility to help everyone else. There are a couple of more people that had an experience like that, too.

In my experience there, I’ve learned to be more aware of what I’m doing; be conscious of what I say. I’ve also learned to let go of my past and stay in the present. Pele made Hawaii a magical place and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to go there.

Makayla Burnett  Mr. Washington – Civics at Odyssey Charter School.

Proud Mommy next to the Kilauea – The most active volcano in the World!!!

To join the next Dare to Live Challenge Hawaii Retreat on June 9-15th go to, email or call 321-549-2128.

Ask about our payment options and  scholarship programs 🙂


Creating Your Intentional Year 2013!!

I wanted to share with you one of the tools that I use at the end of each year (or could even be done monthly) to celebrate the year prior and create an even better new year. Here are 6 keys areas to look at when striving for more balance in your world. Please take time to acknowledge and celebrate 2012 by filling out at least 5 successes in each category. Then as you start creating your list for 2013 see if there are areas you would like to improve or give more attention to for the new year! Magical things can happen when you do this process!!

1. Fitness & Health – Physical activities, eating habits, weight, clothing size, energy level etc.

2. Career or Business – Type of business or work desired, niche, hours worked, revenue, profits, services or products you provide, number of clients etc.

3. Money & Finance – Savings, working income, passive business income, investments, money management etc.

4. Personal Relationships – Primary relationship, family, social & friendships, etc.

5. Personal & Professional Mastery – Spiritual exploration, supportive habits, emotional healing, professional skills and certifications, etc.

6. Big Dreams or Bucklist – What are your big dreams or bucklist? What dreams have you accomplished or what intermediate steps can to take towards reaching your big dream? etc.

Complimentary 30-min coaching session for the first 20 who book before Jan 15th. Happy New Year Gift from me!!!
Partners in Health and Success,
Shannon Burnett-Gronich
Event Production Goddess,
Marketing Expert, and 
Best Selling Author