January 22, 2025

Up Close & Personal with the Candidates



On October 26, 2016 I was selected, along with other leaders of Brevard, to participate as one of the four moderators for the 2016 Brevard County Candidates Forum presented by Space Coast Channel & The Wild Manta Knowledge Center.  Being a business leader in the community I know how important it is for our local politicians to have their voices heard so we can best vote for our personal and local interests.

Although there were many topics of discussion that are important to me on a personal level including our local education and school board and bullying at our public schools, the topic that I was most intrigued to hear how each of the politicians were planning to address was the health of our youth through student lunches. I personally asked “With children’s illnesses, diabetes and obesity at an all time high, how will this be dealt  with in our schools and with lunches?”

I was thrilled to hear that Michelle Obama’s nutrient movement has been implemented into our local school lunches. I was also very grateful to hear other important topics regarding are children brought up by a couple of other candidates like Randy Foster who is running for County Commission, District 3 . Randy shared how we currently have over 1,200 homeless children in Brevard going without food. That figure is astronomical and truly hurts my heart to know we have so many without food and shelter.

​​Darcey Addo for Brevard School Board, District 3 was a mother and teacher that I found I related most to. Every topic she addressed I was actively intrigued by.  Darcey talked about having to educate children about the importance of healthy lunches as childhood obesity is on the rise. Another thing Darcey addressed was the challenge of differentiating structured recess from simple playtime for kids and the importance of allowing kids a 20 minute unstructured recess. She feels as though this is lacking from children’s lives and argues that it is vital to the overall growth of a child to have that moment of tranquility away from the stress that studies bring. As a mother of two teenagers, I am proud that my children are among those that participated in an excellent educational program that emphasized recess being a key part of one’s success and am in agreement with Darcey on the necessity of this for all of our youth rather than the continuous favor of reduced recess due to more and more testing. Children are, after all, our leaders of tomorrow!

School issues and development were not the only topics mentioned. We heard discussions about the lagoon as well as various environmental topics that need to be addressed. It is refreshing to know that our local politicians are aware of our environmental struggles and are compiling resolutions.

Another area of concern fell among local businesses and how we can all help local businesses improve within Brevard, rather than paying big businesses to come to Brevard.  There are current incentives for big businesses to come into our community and a number of individuals would  rather like to see more money going to local business expansion. I am among one of those eager to help the little guy and always do my best to support the locals.

Overall, my experience as a moderator was valuable. I enjoy being an active member of our community and strive to encourage others to do the same. Together we are powerful unit and have the ability to beautify the community we live in. Thank you to all of the local politicians for vigorously aiming for a brighter tomorrow.

I invite you to subscribe to Space Coast Channel and watch the panel HERE 

Please share your wishes for our community!

To your business & life success,



Developing an Elevator Pitch – First Impressions Matter


Elevator-PitchIn simple words, an elevator pitch is a brief presentation that’s designed to grab the attention of potential prospects in a compelling and comprehensive manner.

So, if you had one minute with Oprah or someone you admire in your industry, what would you say to capture their attention?

Criteria for a successful elevator pitch:

It must be Quick, Clear, and Concise! Attention grabber is important too.

Be clear; use a proper speed & tone so that you avoid rushing your message.

Show your enthusiasm using appropriate excitement while telling the story. Enthusiasm plays a key role if you want to draw the attention of your target audience.


Does your elevator pitch answer the following questions…..

Who are you?

What do you do?

Who is your target audience?

What separates you from other businesses in your industry?

How do you bring value and benefits to your prospects?


Get a note card and have a 30-sec and 60-sec elevator pitch ready. Then start to practice and test to see what sticks. This is one area I love helping my clients shine!!!


Share your elevator pitch with us!

What I am looking for next is……


To your business & life success,

Shannon Gronich


7 Fundamentals for Your Press Kit


press kit Media MagicA media or press kit is an essential part of your marketing strategy as it allows the media to take a look at your body of work instantly so that they can make the decision to run your press release quickly without needing to do much outside research.

You want to make your press kit a vital part of your business. It is important these days that your press kit is available both physically as well as electronically.

Here are the fundamentals for every press kit:

1. Articles written by you

Include any previous articles you have written in the past along with the press kit. This will show instant credibility, help you stand out from the crowd, and showcase your writing style and area of expertise. If you are online, you may want to include some of the positive reviews of your blog as well, showing the relevance and interest of customers.

2. Articles written about you

It is always more powerful if a third party expert is talking about you rather than you promoting yourself. If you have come across any articles written about you, add them in your press kit.

3. Power Bio

Make sure your power bio is concise and to the point. In my 12-step power bio complimentary guide, you will find all the details to create a bio that stands out. Offer relevant info about your current field whenever possible. Also, you can add something about your partner, kids, or possibly your interests in a single sentence; however, avoid writing an entire paragraph about them.

4. Action Photos

Pictures are a great way to tell a story and engage readers. Action photos are what the media is looking for to include in articles. Many people believe that a headshot is the most important and, although it is very important, having a shot of you doing what you do in action gains the most attention. A high resolution image of at least 300dpi is required for any print media. Do have an updated headshot as it is needed; however, action photos hands down get picked up and printed more times than a headshot.

5. Press Release

Professional and compellingly-written press releases are one of the most important elements of a press kit. Add your website URL within the press release for additional reference.

6. Other related press clippings or endorsements

These may include quotes from authors, newspapers and magazines, and experts in your industry. Endorsements are great. It is important to include the name of the person, title, & association. Idea endorsements can be powerful; when other experts in the field are agreeing with your point of view, it adds credibility to you!

7. Company Marketing Pieces

You can also consider creating a customized pocket folder in order to distribute your info, along with the business cards, slip sheets, tri-fold brochure, etc. These can help you position yourself and your brand as an expert in your industry. Include your speaker sheet if you want to attract speaking opportunities.

Your goal in creating a suitable press kit must be to offer all of the important info which the media needs if they decide to write about your product/service. Make sure you’ve made the job of the media person easier. A professional, attractive, and informative press kit can really set you apart from the competition.

Share your press kit here for a free publicity opportunity right now!!

Happy to give feedback upon request.

To your business & life success,
Shannon Gronich

P.S. If you’re enjoying learning how to get free publicity, positioning yourself as an industry expert, and developing your media kit, however you haven’t started your 12-step power bio yet, NOW is the time. You will love this help I am offering with a step-by-step guide FREE Go to https://shannongronich.com/training/powerbio2/ to check out NOW you won’t be disappointed!


How to Get on Television – What Producers Want


TV NewsTelevision is one of the major mediums for marketing and often one of the most challenging to get noticed by. With a clear vision and great story you can get booked.

Consider all the relevant TV shows in which you want your news or story to be presented.

Start visualizing and creating a list of shows where you would like to see your story. I suggest that you jot down at least 15 to 20.

Do your research about the show prior to communicating with them so that you can ensure your story or news is a suitable fit for their major audience & the kind of story or news they typically feature.

Whenever possible, look to create a personal connection with journalists, editors, and especially the secretaries and gatekeepers who hold the key to getting you to the people you want to talk with.  They will be your greatest allies or they can shut the door before you ever get in-depending on how you build those relationships.

Send your story along with a short and to-the-point pitch letter to the producer of your interested TV show in addition to all the required contact info. Pitch videos are encouraged to showcase how you perform in front of the camera.

Remember to include why their audience might find your story interesting.

During a phone conversation with the show organizers, stay excited, keep it brief, & be aware that there’s a very fine line between pitching your story & being pushy.

Most editors fancy a personal pitch as opposed to a typical press release.

Ensure that you come up with a strong and catchy subject line for your news or story. After all, just like you, there may be several other people who want to grab a spot on a popular TV show.

Make sure you follow up after 7 days if there’s no response from the show organizers.

While following up, remember to keep your cool. At best, appreciate the producers & editors for giving their valuable time to consider your news or story. Even if they might not need you at the moment, you might get an unexpected call from them in the near future.

Hence, never lose hope. Keep your eye on the goal!!!

How have you gotten booked on television?

Share a link to your favorite show or interview.

To your business & life success,

Shannon Burnett-Gronich

