January 22, 2025

How to Make Your Next Business Trip More Productive


When traveling on business, it can be hard to be productive. After all, there are a lot of factors you need to balance while away. But if you use the tips below, you can get more out of your business trip, so you can be both productive, relaxed, and happy at the end of it.

How to Make Your Next Business Trip More Productive

Car Rental

If you spend time waiting for public transportation, it could really eat into your trip itinerary in a big way. Furthermore, you might risk missing an important business meeting or an event. The small amount you might save by not getting a car will pale in comparison to the downsides. Car rentals allow you to have complete control over your time, which when you’re doing business is essential. Plus, renting a car is easier than it ever with online booking and confirmations.



Having stable WIFI access is becoming more crucial for business travelers today. Without the internet, you can’t hop on to live calls or send important emails. Sometimes you can use the data from your phone, but if you’re out of the country, this strategy might not work. Coworking spaces allow you to rent an office or at least access to WIFI internet for the day, week, or month (or however long you’re traveling).



Don’t think you can get results if you don’t get the right amount of sleep. It could be tempting to try it all while traveling by working, partying, and getting less sleep. To stay productive, get your hours of shuteye and you won’t regret it. Space out your schedule and be sure you have accommodations where you’ll feel comfortable sleeping.



Aside from simply sleeping, you also need to make sure you don’t work too hard. Take moments for yourself to relax and take in the new environment. Consider a massage or a trip to the spa. Whatever puts you in hour happy place, make sure to make it a priority.



Book a hotel close to your event or meetings. The faster the commute time, the better. That way you can spend more time practicing what you’re going to say, and less time rushing around from place to place, even if you have a car.


Business travel can be taxing if you don’t have the right strategy to make it worth your while. So use the advice above to make your business travel productive for the present moment and the long term. Then, you’ll be able to have peace of mind that you made the most of it and didn’t waste precious time during your travels.

Would love to hear your tips and tricks for traveling.


Up Close & Personal with the Candidates



On October 26, 2016 I was selected, along with other leaders of Brevard, to participate as one of the four moderators for the 2016 Brevard County Candidates Forum presented by Space Coast Channel & The Wild Manta Knowledge Center.  Being a business leader in the community I know how important it is for our local politicians to have their voices heard so we can best vote for our personal and local interests.

Although there were many topics of discussion that are important to me on a personal level including our local education and school board and bullying at our public schools, the topic that I was most intrigued to hear how each of the politicians were planning to address was the health of our youth through student lunches. I personally asked “With children’s illnesses, diabetes and obesity at an all time high, how will this be dealt  with in our schools and with lunches?”

I was thrilled to hear that Michelle Obama’s nutrient movement has been implemented into our local school lunches. I was also very grateful to hear other important topics regarding are children brought up by a couple of other candidates like Randy Foster who is running for County Commission, District 3 . Randy shared how we currently have over 1,200 homeless children in Brevard going without food. That figure is astronomical and truly hurts my heart to know we have so many without food and shelter.

​​Darcey Addo for Brevard School Board, District 3 was a mother and teacher that I found I related most to. Every topic she addressed I was actively intrigued by.  Darcey talked about having to educate children about the importance of healthy lunches as childhood obesity is on the rise. Another thing Darcey addressed was the challenge of differentiating structured recess from simple playtime for kids and the importance of allowing kids a 20 minute unstructured recess. She feels as though this is lacking from children’s lives and argues that it is vital to the overall growth of a child to have that moment of tranquility away from the stress that studies bring. As a mother of two teenagers, I am proud that my children are among those that participated in an excellent educational program that emphasized recess being a key part of one’s success and am in agreement with Darcey on the necessity of this for all of our youth rather than the continuous favor of reduced recess due to more and more testing. Children are, after all, our leaders of tomorrow!

School issues and development were not the only topics mentioned. We heard discussions about the lagoon as well as various environmental topics that need to be addressed. It is refreshing to know that our local politicians are aware of our environmental struggles and are compiling resolutions.

Another area of concern fell among local businesses and how we can all help local businesses improve within Brevard, rather than paying big businesses to come to Brevard.  There are current incentives for big businesses to come into our community and a number of individuals would  rather like to see more money going to local business expansion. I am among one of those eager to help the little guy and always do my best to support the locals.

Overall, my experience as a moderator was valuable. I enjoy being an active member of our community and strive to encourage others to do the same. Together we are powerful unit and have the ability to beautify the community we live in. Thank you to all of the local politicians for vigorously aiming for a brighter tomorrow.

I invite you to subscribe to Space Coast Channel and watch the panel HERE 

Please share your wishes for our community!

To your business & life success,



Tips for a Successful Elevator Pitch – Engagement


MediaMagic Elevator PitchWhile an elevator pitch needs to be short & to the point, it must also feature a well-defined objective. Every example used and point made must work to complement the point that’s being argued during the pitch. For instance, if a job aspirant starts a discussion with a possible employer during a career fair, then their elevator pitch must rotate around why they’re the best person for the job.

Prior to creating an elevator pitch, it’s crucial for you to actively envision the intended goal of the dialogue & formulate an objective from there.

The next step must be to explain how you’re going to accomplish your intended goal. For example, a job candidate must highlight the experiences and skills which make him/her the best person for the required position. Most professionals find this part of the elevator pitch quite challenging and end up losing their focus.

You want each single step of your elevator pitch to strengthen or support the proposed goal of the talk.

Lastly, it’s important that you let your intended prospect know why their role is so important for you to attain your goal. For instance, if the intended objective of your pitch is to acquire an investor for your company, then you want to emphasize how the investor’s assistance can benefit your company.

It’s critical that your elevator pitch is specific & crafted in a way such that your target audience knows why they’re invaluable for accomplishing the final goal.

What would you say if you were stepping into an elevator with Oprah or someone you wanted to connect with who would transform your business?

To your business & life success,

Shannon Gronich Media Magic


Developing an Elevator Pitch – First Impressions Matter


Elevator-PitchIn simple words, an elevator pitch is a brief presentation that’s designed to grab the attention of potential prospects in a compelling and comprehensive manner.

So, if you had one minute with Oprah or someone you admire in your industry, what would you say to capture their attention?

Criteria for a successful elevator pitch:

It must be Quick, Clear, and Concise! Attention grabber is important too.

Be clear; use a proper speed & tone so that you avoid rushing your message.

Show your enthusiasm using appropriate excitement while telling the story. Enthusiasm plays a key role if you want to draw the attention of your target audience.


Does your elevator pitch answer the following questions…..

Who are you?

What do you do?

Who is your target audience?

What separates you from other businesses in your industry?

How do you bring value and benefits to your prospects?


Get a note card and have a 30-sec and 60-sec elevator pitch ready. Then start to practice and test to see what sticks. This is one area I love helping my clients shine!!!


Share your elevator pitch with us!

What I am looking for next is……


To your business & life success,

Shannon Gronich


Create Massive Growth for Your Business Utilizing Events


Event Marketing Shannon GronichEvents attract audiences that, in some cases, would not typically be exposed to your product or service. Utilizing this platform for individuals to know more about your brand in a manner that will be notable and create an influx of business still eludes many owners.

Events can be an excellent way to position your brand or test your concept. You may be looking to rub elbows with leaders in a specific industry or to secure an endorsement of some kind.

If you approach an event in a strategic manner as I outline a couple of important items here, you will create a plan that works.

There are numerous items to consider when considering participating in an event.

First, identify your goal or intention for participating. Why are you going? What do you want to accomplish? Then take into account your desired goals with the demographic who attends when picking your event.

Preparation – Set Clear and Tangible Goals

I usually suggest a minimum of three tangible deliverables or goals.

Spend quality time reviewing vendors, sponsors, speakers, and other participants to identify collaborations you can start to facilitate prior to the event. Get the vendor list and start calling potential partners.

Begin working the event the moment you register.

Most people just show-up and wing it. A plan can become a roadmap to your arriving at your desired destination.

Positioning – Stand Out in Your Industry

Most people miss the powerful opportunity to attain free publicity with events.

Social media and marketing go hand in hand with the profits you generate from your business; hence, make sure to post an update about your participation before, during, and even after the event. Live periscopes and tweets will win favor among the event coordinators and your potential clients.

Press releases may be written and submitted up to 3 months in advance as well as after the event is over.

Remember to share with your existing client base where you will be and to even come visit you at your booth as this will help you stand out and be in the mind’s eye of those who know you already.

Last but not the least, enjoy yourself!

What is your favorite event?

Share any event marketing strategies you find successful.

To your business & life success,

Shannon Burnett-Gronich
