March 3, 2025

The Recent Rise of Sleeping Technology


Sleep is extremely important, but let’s face it, the majority of us don’t get nearly enough sleep that we need. Everyone has such a busy life. With jobs, children, exercise, and social lives sleep often tends to take a little bit of a back seat. Plus, with all of that going around in your mind, when it comes to actually putting your head down, your mind is so full of thoughts that you can’t get to sleep anyway!

Although there are many ways in which we can improve our sleeping pattern, some people are turning towards smart sleep technology to help them out. Much of this technology is geared towards tracking sleeping patterns and the quality of the slumber. Although this does not directly help you to sleep, often people don’t realize just how little sleep they are getting until it is in front of them. This could be the push that is needed to encourage people to go to bed a little bit earlier.

Another direction that people are turning to are mattresses. The quality and type of your mattress can have a huge impact on the quality of your sleep, and which type is best depends very much on the individual. Today, a mattress can offer a lot more than support, they can also be full of tech. If your mattress is old and causing you discomfort, consider looking through some mattress offers to see if you can find something better.

Adjusting Mattresses

If you have trouble getting into a comfortable position when in bed, then the adjustable mattress may be for you. Often you will also have to purchase an adjustable base in addition to the mattress so that you can get into the optimum position for sleep. These types of bed come with a remote control that allows you to move either the head or the foot of the bed accordingly.
Some models even come with a massage function where you can pinpoint where you want to target, be it just your head, your feet, or your full body.

Smart Mattresses

This is the term used to describe any type of mattress that is built with sensor technology. They are used to monitor the sleep patterns of their owners and can track various elements such as how long a person sleeps, any restless sleep, body temperature, heart rate, breathing, and many other factors. Although this type of tracking is the main function of a smart mattress, some may come with other, additional tech features such as built-in alarms or even internet connectivity!
With the growing use of mobile phones and apps, a lot of smart mattresses can utilize app technology, so that you can adjust them using your mobile device.

Temperature Regulation

Although not necessarily tech-related, a temperature regulating mattress is a nice addition to the market. If you find yourself too hot or too cold at night, this mattress can be the answer. Filled with tiny gel beads, they have the power to draw heat away from your body when it is warm, storing it, and then releasing it back up to you when it gets colder.

Smart Beds

Slightly different from the smart mattress, the smart bed can sense your position, whether you are on your back, front or side, and makes automatic, real-time adjustments to help you sleep at your best. It can become firmer or softer in an instant, providing you with support when and where you need it. It also has the power to provide sleep data every morning so you know just how well you did or didn’t sleep.

This type of mattresses provide the benefits of a range of wearable technology without you having to change lifestyle or normal habits. You don’t have to remember to turn any device on when it is time for bed.

We are living through the rise of sleep technology, and in addition to mattresses, there is a huge range of other gadgets and devices that have been created with the aim of helping you to sleep. Smart pyjamas, for example, is a more recent invention, one that doesn’t seem to have quite hit it off just yet. These pyjamas have been made using bioceramic imprinted fabric that cools off the body’s infrared head emissions with the goal of giving a longer and a deeper sleep.

Another technology that is meant to improve your sleep is the breathing tracker. The device comes in the form of a chest strap and an app, matching your breathing to tonal music that gradually starts to slow down. Subconsciously your breathing will start to mimic the beat of the music, prolonging exhalation. The aim here is to ultimately help you get to sleep quicker than you originally would.

Smart pillows are similar to smart mattresses in the sense that they track your sleeping throughout the night. They are connected to an app that factors in the quality of the previous night’s sleep and then offers personalized sleeping tips throughout the day to help you the following night.

There is a huge range of sleeping tech out there, and if things continue how they currently are, it is likely that much more will be developed in the near future. Be sure to look out for deals and discounts in this industry. Considering it is a fairly new technology, some of them start with quite a hefty price tag. Is 2018 the year of smart sleeping? Only time will tell.


Productivity Hacks for Improving Professional Performance


We all have our days where everything runs smoothly, and we achieve an outstanding amount of work. We also have our days where it seems that nothing is going our way. Despite our desire to perform flawlessly every day, there will always be days where we are not performing as well as we should be. If you’re dealing with one of these days, here are some productivity hacks to improve your professional performance.


Clear Your Plate

stress, sales, business, exhaustion

Believe it or not, the problem you are having is most likely due to an excess of tasks. When we have too many things to do, we become overwhelmed and stressed, which makes us want to procrastinate and avoid our work rather than tackle it. For example, you can outsource some of your marketing tasks to specialists. Simplify your to-do list and only focus on the things that you must get done today. With less on your plate, you can focus and utilize your energy effectively.


Take Breaks

professional young

We live in a busy society that glorifies people who can work all day without resting. Unfortunately, this is not how our bodies and minds function. Instead of forcing yourself to work for hours on end, give yourself a break when you finish a major task. This will give your mind time to rest and energize before taking on the next big project.


Batch Tasks Together

It can be distracting to go back and forth between similar items. For example, let’s imagine that you have to write a few emails, tackle a project that is coming due, and then write another email later on. Breaking your focus by separating tasks like this is sure to ruin your productivity. Batch similar tasks together and accomplish them all at once to get them out of the way. Using this method, you will get all of your emails out of the way and you will have an easier time devoting your focus to your project later.


Boost Your Energy

office team

Sometimes, our slow performance is because of our energy levels. If this is the case, consider taking more caffeine throughout the day or even nootropics. According to MindLab, nootropics encompass “a huge variety of different compounds, including simple things like vitamins and minerals, as well as herbal extracts and even some synthetic substances. Most specifically, they’re supplements which improve things like brain power, focus, memory, and reaction time.”
The most important thing to remember is that bad days will pass, and that’s good news. As a hard-working professional, you need to bring your “A” game every day. For more tips about improving performance, schedule your coaching session with Shannon today!


Developing an Elevator Pitch – First Impressions Matter


Elevator-PitchIn simple words, an elevator pitch is a brief presentation that’s designed to grab the attention of potential prospects in a compelling and comprehensive manner.

So, if you had one minute with Oprah or someone you admire in your industry, what would you say to capture their attention?

Criteria for a successful elevator pitch:

It must be Quick, Clear, and Concise! Attention grabber is important too.

Be clear; use a proper speed & tone so that you avoid rushing your message.

Show your enthusiasm using appropriate excitement while telling the story. Enthusiasm plays a key role if you want to draw the attention of your target audience.


Does your elevator pitch answer the following questions…..

Who are you?

What do you do?

Who is your target audience?

What separates you from other businesses in your industry?

How do you bring value and benefits to your prospects?


Get a note card and have a 30-sec and 60-sec elevator pitch ready. Then start to practice and test to see what sticks. This is one area I love helping my clients shine!!!


Share your elevator pitch with us!

What I am looking for next is……


To your business & life success,

Shannon Gronich


What are you BIRTHing this year?


I am looking at the energy and inner workings of BIRTH. In the last 4 months I have giving birth to a new baby boy, Ryan Gabriel Gronich and a marketing book, MEDIA MAGIC. Both have this creation time, intense labor, and then the new beginning – BIRTH. One of my spiritual teachers, Elizabeth Stamper shared this concept of always being in the birthing process when living life. Warm cozy creation, pressure of the birth canal, or new beginning with bright lights.  If you look at these three moments of BIRTH, where are you?


During the gestation of my son, even though it was the creation time….I felt like I was in the birth cancel and was challenged to let go of limiting beliefs. The rigid beliefs I wanted to hold onto…..I was forced to let go, if I wanted any sense of peace in my world.

Many times, LETTING GO = PEACE OF MIND. I remember walking on the beach a couple of weeks before Ryan was born and my friend sharing that NOW is the time to step into trust and knowing. Trust that the perfect people are showing up to support this birth and know that everything will turn out the way it was suppose to. Let go of control. Now this can be difficult for the planner in me….but when I felt my body and mind wanting to control something, when I become aware, I immediately breath and relax into the words “I let go and trust that everything is in perfect order, right here and now.”


Your Life is in Perfect Order RIGHT NOW!!



Get Your Mind * BLOWN *


Hi Conscious Living Partners and friends,

Throughout the years with Conscious Living Partnership, Expo of Heart and all the beautiful relationships and groups that I’ve been involved with, I’m not exactly a newbee when it comes to alternative energy, consciousness and cutting edge technologies.

There is something that was just demonstrated to me and I * FINALLY * got what my friend has been mentioning to me for the loooooongest time!

You probably have heard about some wild and crazy different energy machines that are supposed to make more energy than what it takes to run them. I know – you’re probably thinking that’s what all the “perpetual motion nuts” are talking about and it is supposed to be impossible because it violates the laws of physics.

Well, I just had one of the most powerful distinctions I’ve ever heard about explained to me by my friend Aaron Murakami and I almost can’t believe it is this easy. Not only is it possible for a machine to make more electricity than it takes to run it, and it has * ABSOLUTELY NOTHING * to do with perpetual motion.

AND… what Aaron shared with me describes the most common sense explanation of how the physics of abundance in the universe actually works. I live with a mindset of abundance and believe the universe provides but up until now, I have never had one very specific distinction spelled out to me by any book, course, video, audio, seminar or expert like what Aaron shared.

It completely legitimizes the entire law of attraction by showing the natural principle that allows it to work. You probably know as well as I do that the law of attraction does indeed work but do you realize that if you believe what the physics books teaches that it actually is supposed to violate the laws of physics as they teach it in schools.

So essentially, it is very incongruent and contradictory to believe in the law of attraction and abundance while at the same time we accept what is told to us about not being able to have machines that can produce more electricity or mechanical work than it takes to run them.

With the very simple and actually common sense principles that Aaron shares, we can have our cake and eat it too. We can see that not only can we have lives of abundance, we can have machines, organization, businesses and virtually any system we can think of be able to produce more than what we put in. I found that the physics of energy producing machines are identical to the physics of consciousness, business systems, abundance, biology as well as EVERY natural system in the Universe.

He explains all of this in his book The Quantum Key. There are some technical parts of the book but the concept I mention above is spelled out in very simple terms. You can read his bio and also see some video interviews of him on this page:

With Love,
